

Faith and Fellowship: All things are possible with God

Faith and Fellowship: All things are possible with God

It has been said that all things are possible with God. Webster defines impossible as not able to occur, exist, or be done. Man may say that impossible my mean out of the question, unfeasible, impractical, But God says in Luke 1:37 “For nothing will be impossible with God”.

Matthew 10:26 teaches us, “But God looked at them and said, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”. For the believers in Jesus Christ nothing is impossible with God.
This isn’t just a religious thing, it’s practical as well.
Everything we go through only makes us stronger both spiritually and physically, throughout the word of God we find many amazing people trusting and believing God by faith.
Have you ever thought of impossible things that may seem off limits to us, such as impossible goals or situations, always know that God can! Whenever you think of impossibilities reflect on
Genesis 17: 15-17, Abraham and Sarah had been waiting for years for their son Issac, God made it possible.

It’s not impossible for us to have what God says we can have, if you ask anything in the name of Jesus it shall be given to you if you believe. You may think it’s impossible to overcome an addiction, it’s not impossible with God. It is possible with God.
You may want a new career possible! You may be desiring a new home, possible! The enemy may have you believing that you can’t be healed. It’s not impossible with God! You may ask for a closer walk with the Father, it’s not impossible with God!

Is there anything impossible for God ?
With God nothing shall be impossible, through God.
Our God can do anything he wants to do and he can do it anytime that he wants to. No, there is nothing impossible for God.
Let us also know that our God will not ever do anything that’s is against his Holy will. God cannot commit no sinful act for God is completely Holy, and sinning is not in his character. All things are possible with God. “ If you can believe all things are possible to him who believes”. Mark 9: 23

Our God works miracles in the midst of extreme impossible circumstances. Our God is an Awesome God and he is worthy to be Praised.

As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember, It’s not impossible for our God.
Watch our God do the impossible, when all hope is is lost, when our strength is gone. Our God will rise up! We will overcome all things that seem impossible in Jesus name! Amen

May God So Richly Bless!!!

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