

Thomasville Council Meeting Summary

Thomasville Council Meeting Summary

Thomasville City Council Meeting  

7003 Ball Park Road, Thomasville, NC 

Monday, March 21, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.  

Mayor Raleigh York, Jr. 

Mayor Pro Tempore Jeannette Shepherd 

Elected officials in attendance: Mayor Raleigh York, Jr.; Mayor Pro Tempore Jeannette  Shepherd, and Council Members Ron Bratton, Doug Hunt, Wendy Sellars, Lisa Shell, Hunter Thrift and Payton Williams. 

1. Call to Order - Mayor Raleigh York, Jr. called the meeting of the Thomasville City  Council to order. 

2. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda – There were no additions or deletions. 

Council Member Sellars moved to approve the agenda. Council Member Hunt seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

3. Proclamations and Recognitions– Proclamation for April 2022: “Rotary Month” in  recognition of Thomasville Rotary Club’s 100th Anniversary 

4. Public Forum – No one came forward to speak. 

5. Public Hearing: Closure of Unopened Portion of Cable Street – R. Winslow/R.E.W.  Homes, LLC – Mayor York opened the Public Hearing. No one came forward to  speak for or against this issue. Mayor York closed the Public Hearing. Council  Member Hunt moved to approve the closure of the unopened portion of Cable Street  as presented. Council Member Shepherd seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

6. Consent Agenda 

A. Approval of Minutes of the Briefing Meeting on 03/14/22 

B. Approval of Minutes of the Special Called (Outside Agency) Meeting on 03/14/22 C. Approval of Minutes of the Council Meeting on 03/21/22 

D. Consideration of Budget Amendment – Water/Sewer Fund (2022 Revenue  Refunding Bond Capital Project) 

E. Consideration of Uniform Guidance Policy for ARPA Expenditures F. Consideration of Nondiscrimination Policy for ARPA Funds 

G. Consideration of Records Retention Policy for ARPA Funds 

H. Consideration of Resolution for State Assistance Grant – Wastewater Treatment  Centrifuge Project 

I. Consideration of Resolution for State Assistance Loan or Grant – Drinking Water  Distribution System – replacing 2-inch galvanized waterlines 

J. Consideration of Resolution for State Assistance Grant – to Conduct a Study on  Water Distribution System (Asset and Inventory Assessment) 

K. Consideration of Resolution for State Assistance Grant – to Conduct a Study on  Wastewater Collection System (Asset and Inventory Assessment) 

L. Consideration of Resolution for State Assistance Grant – to Construct  Wastewater Collection System (Replacement and Expansion of Aging  Infrastructure) 

Council Member Thrift moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Council  Member Hunt seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

7. Regular Agenda 

A. Consideration of Budget Amendment for CDBG Project City Contribution – Brass  Craft Manufacturing (Project Viceroy)  

Council Member Hunt moved to approve this budget amendment. Council  Member Sellars seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

B. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance CDBG Project City Contribution – Brass Craft Manufacturing (Project Viceroy) 

Council Member Sellars moved to approve this Grant Project Ordinance. Council  Member Williams seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

C. Consideration of Resolution Requesting Local Legislation of the N. C. General  Assembly Considering Amending the Process for the Thomasville City School  Board from Appointed Members to Elected Members 

Council Member Thrift moved to approve this Resolution. Council Member  Sellars seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

8. Committee Reports and Appointments, Mayor’s Report and Appointments, City  Manager’s Report, City Attorney’s Report 

No action was taken. 

9. Additional Items – n/a. 

10. Adjournment – Council Member Sellars moved to adjourn this meeting; Council Member Shepherd seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0.

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