

Yearly convocation hosted by TCS

Yearly convocation hosted by TCS

CONVOCATION IN THE NATION…On Wednesday morning, August 11, THS hosted our Welcome Back Breakfast. It was delicious! The company was wonderful, too. This relaxed time allowed folks to check-in with friends and  colleagues who don’t work in the same buildings but who share the same passion for students and families  throughout Bulldog Nation! 

Then everyone traveled to Finch Auditorium for special welcome back messages from Bulldog Nation members  who are not TCS employees.  

Faculty, staff & guests begin to assemble for the 2022 Welcome Back Convocation at T. Austin Finch Auditorium. {Contributed photo}

Faculty, staff & guests begin to assemble for the 2022 Welcome Back Convocation at T. Austin Finch Auditorium. {Contributed photo}

Dr. Cheraton Love, TCS Parent & Board Chair, who thanked and cheered us for what was accomplished  last school year while also reminding new and veteran educators alike, that the important work  continues, our work and accomplishments are important to students, community, and to those who  follow. 

Pat Shelton, Thomasville City Council, brought greetings on behalf of Mayor York and the Thomasville  City Council reminded us of the rich history and successful lives TCS has helped to shape and how  teachers from the past are part of the legacy we continue to build into the future. 

Kristie Hege from the United Way reminded us that we live together in community through good times  and bad. She illustrated how people rally in the face of adversity and thus community thrives.  

David Snapp, President of the Thomasville Area Chamber of Commerce, reinforced the image of  community and outlined the quality-of-life work done through the Chamber benefiting TCS  employees, students, and families alike.  

Dr. Catherine Gentry, TCS superintendent, and Jeremy Anderson at the 2021 Opening Convocation. {Contributed photo}

Dr. Catherine Gentry, TCS superintendent, and Jeremy Anderson at the 2021 Opening Convocation. {Contributed photo}

Of course I couldn’t host an event and miss an opportunity to thank and challenge everyone. So I  thanked and challenged everyone. And then, the moment I had waited for was finally here… and  Bulldog Nation welcomed Mr. Jeremy Anderson! Hearing his story and seeing the power of words was  amazing. He was full of energy and life and shared those feelings with everyone. He asked that we TEACH  BY FAITH not sight and that we rise, SPEAK LIFE, and to become NEXT LEVEL educators! He is a living  example of how real, honest relationships provide support and pathways for all we strive to accomplish.  He is amazing! His story will remain with us and remind us throughout the school year. You will be  hearing more about him, too. 

The morning was wonderful and afterwards everyone returned to their schools and continued preparing to open on the 16th! We are Bulldog Nation!!

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