Lexington Fire Department is using technology to save lives
The Lexington Fire Department (LFD) launched Community Connect with technology that allows residents to submit important information to the LFD about your residence in the case of an emergency call. Community Connect is a free, secure, and easy-to-use platform that allows you to share critical information that will aid LFD personnel when responding to your residence or business.
LFD encourage you to share information that would be critical in an emergency situation such as occupants, your emergency meeting space, any pets on the property and anything else that first responders may need to know.
Lexington Fire Chief, Mike Tofano stated the following. “The Lexington Fire Department is committed to providing the community with quality fire, safety and disaster mitigation services. We strive to keep our department up to date with the latest technologies to ensure we provide the best and most effective services for Lexington residents and business owners. For this reason, we are rolling out a new program called Community Connect. Community Connect is a free, secure, and easy-to-use platform that allows you to share critical information that will aid Lexington Fire Department personnel when responding to your residence or business. We encourage you to share information that would be critical in an emergency situation such as occupants, your emergency meeting space, any pets on the property, and anything else that first responders may need to know. We look forward to the launch of this new initiative and appreciate your help in keeping Lexington a safe place for our residents and firefighters.”
{Image: Public Use} The Lexington Fire Department is using technology to save lives.
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Any information you provide through Community Connect is completely voluntary and based on what you are comfortable sharing. The LFD has made it easy for you to know what may be important by organizing your secure portal into buckets of information you can enter. Data that you provide Community Connect is secure and is used only for the purpose of better serving you during emergency situations. Your information is never used for any other purpose. All logins are password protected with bank level encryption and security. If you’re comfortable logging in to your online bank you’ll be comfortable logging in to Community Connect.