

GOP Chair: Chris Jessup

GOP Chair: Chris Jessup

As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.

The last sentence in the Declaration of Independence states, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

For the fifty-six signers of the Declaration, those words carried a heavy meaning, one that could cost them their lives. Yet each one affixed his name to the document that was eventually delivered to King George III, carrying with it the consequences of treason.

Indeed, the Fourth of July conveyed a much different meaning to these men in 1776 than it does for anyone alive today.

What if these men had decided to not follow through in signing the Declaration of Independence? I am sure that there were any number of reasons that each one could have given to not do so, not the least of which was the penalty for signing. Through their trust and reliance in God, however, each one did.

The cost of treason was death. Regardless, each one signed the Declaration, providing for future generations of Americans the blessing of living in freedom in the greatest nation in the world. What are you doing to help preserve that precious gift that has been handed to you? Why not get involved in your local Republican Party and make a difference!

Davidson County Republican Party Headquarters, located at 115 Young Drive in Lexington, is open each Thursday from 2-6pm.

1st Thursday of the month- Monthly meetings with guest speakers are held at 7pm at Oceanview Seafood, 1803 Cotton Grove Road, Lexington (6pm for optional dinner). All registered Republicans are welcome!

2nd Thursday of the month- Book Club meeting at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

3rd Thursday of the month- Movie Night at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

4th Thursday of the month- Current Events and Coffee with the Chairman at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

* Please check Facebook and website ( for updates. No meetings held in July.

Have questions? Please contact Chairman Christopher Jessup at

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Davidson County Board of Commissioners July 13th Agenda

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