"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
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"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
Publisher Antionette Kerr accepted the challenge to bring something beyond a book to holiday tables each year.
Joel Leonard is sharing how AI can help you create new holiday traditions this year.
While Davidson County is a humble group of cities, the possibilities are endless when creativity is everywhere! Why not take a chance, and enjoy our list of wonderful events this month?
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., there will be the annual parade on Monday, January 15, beginning at 1:00 PM on Main Street in Lexington. There will also be a youth art exhibit and gallery held at the Arts Davidson County on 202 North Main Street at 5:00 PM. The exhibit will showcase the artwork done by youths from grades K-12, with an award presented to the winners. So come on down to the parade and exhibit! Let’s all remember and celebrate the impact of Martin Luther King Jr. this Monday.
According to the NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association), that team is ranked #2 in the nation, at the time of this writing. That team, of course, is the DDCC Storm.
The last sentence in the Declaration of Independence states, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Antionette Kerr reflects on author James Dodson’s book Final Round.
God bless us all, the heroes and the forgotten, the ancestors and the aggressors, the children then and now, the historians and the clueless
The latest from Senator Steve Jarvis
Oh my! It was another big week for the Davidson Local team. Reporting the news is always exciting for our staff but the past few weeks added an extra layer of education.
We have a big announcement! First, let provide some background on how we arrived at this milestone.
Regardless of what color you prefer - Dem Blue, Republican Red or Libertarian Green - we love that this primary campaign season showed your true hues. After spending two whole days of pounding the pavement for Davidson Local, I saw hugs and high fives that crossed divides and partisan boundaries. We need more of that!
Fame usually isn’t silent, but it can be very loud when it is. Perhaps others in Davidson County know of other such visits that didn’t have glitter or headlines.
There are two things I know for sure: Life happens. And life doesn’t stop.