

Contributed News: Locals peacefully protesting Mark Robinson’s visit to Lexington

Contributed News: Locals peacefully protesting Mark Robinson’s visit to Lexington

Contributed News

Local community members are planning a peaceful protest in response to Mark Robinson's scheduled appearance at the Village Grill restaurant in Lexington on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:00 a.m.

Robinson, who is currently running for Governor of North Carolina, has sparked controversy among residents due to his divisive rhetoric and policy positions.

The protest, organized by concerned citizens, is set to take place on the day of Robinson's visit to the Village Grill. Protesters aim to voice their concerns over the candidate's positions on a variety of issues that directly impact the Lexington community, including public education, LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and healthcare access.

“Mark Robinson’s extreme views do not represent the values of our community,” said one of the event’s organizers. “We believe in a North Carolina that is inclusive, compassionate, and supportive of all its residents. Robinson’s rhetoric and policies threaten the progress we have made and the rights of many in our state.”

Robinson, who has a history of making inflammatory remarks, has been criticized for his stance on issues such as education, where he has advocated for the defunding of public schools, and his opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. Local supporters argue that his positions are not only harmful but also counterproductive to the advancement of the state and its communities.

The peaceful protest is expected to draw a diverse group of participants, including educators, students, activists, and everyday citizens who are united in their opposition to Robinson's candidacy. Protesters will be holding signs and distributing information to raise awareness about Robinson’s record and the potential impact of his policies on North Carolinians.

“Our goal is to ensure that the voices of those who stand for equality and justice are heard loud and clear,” said another protestor. “This is not just about opposing one candidate; it’s about standing up for the values that make our community strong.”

Organizers stress that the protest will remain peaceful and respectful, and they encourage all attendees to adhere to these principles as they make their voices heard.

The event will begin at 9:00 a.m. with protesters gathering outside the Village Grill restaurant. All community members who share these concerns are invited to participate and join in the call for a more inclusive and just North Carolina.

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