Let it Snow
We know that our God works all things for our good including the snowflakes.
Psalm 148:7 teaches us,” Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea creatures and all ocean depths, lighting and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding”.
Snow is purposed by God for us to glorify him. As we think of God’s glory in nature. We can see God’s hand at work in the cold winter months, Let it snow!
Our every snowflake is sent by God to show us his splendor. As we wait for the snow it gives us a reason to rejoice because of the power of God.
As we reflect on the Scriptures we learn “though our sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool”. Isaiah 1:18
Snow has a way of reminding us that it is God’s gift to us from Heaven. Sometimes God may send the snow to remind us to slow down in the midst of our busy schedules and regular tasks so that we may rest and spend time with the Savior.
God uses the accumulation of snow to help us to enjoy the accumulation of his grace.
When God sends the snow we have an opportunity to enjoy his precious gift to us. Let it Snow!
“While the earth remains seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall cease” Genesis 8:23
As we wait for the snow. God reminds us that our prayers are stored up in Heaven like snowflakes and how they will bless us in times of trouble.
As the snow begins to fall we understand that each snowflake is unique and beautiful. Let it snow!
When God sends the snow perhaps God is showing us that we should come together in unity such as the snowflakes while they are falling.
Let us continue to store up our snowflakes in Heaven each time we Pray.
God promises never fail, his word will not return void. Let it snow! Knowing always snow is a reminder of God’s great power.
There may be times you may find yourself feeling like a snowflake from being blown around like the wind and the danger of melting, There is good news, God holds all season in his hands. Now therefore let us enjoy the snow, for each of us can be washed whiter than snow. Just like snowflakes every person can be beautiful, but in different ways For the Glory of God.
As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember, Moments of prayer are not wasted let us store up our prayers like snow on a mountaintop.
May God So Richly Bless!