

Press Release: Lexington Utilities receives national award for Electric Restoration Efforts in response to Hurricane Helene

Press Release: Lexington Utilities receives national award for Electric Restoration Efforts in response to Hurricane Helene

{Photos by Lexington Utilities}

Lexington Utilities Receives National Commendation for Electric Restoration Efforts in Response to Hurricane Helene Public Power Association for its support in electric power restoration efforts in response to Hurricane Helene.

On September 29, 2024, Lexington Utilities sent lineworkers to assist New River Light & Power, Co. in Western NC, which suffered widespread outages because of the devastation from Helene. “Mutual aid is at the heart of what public power does, and because of the public power community 99% of New River Light & Power customers were restored in a matter of days,” said Lexington Utilities Electric Director Bill Stockman. “Our electric crews are proud to be able to step up to help a neighbor in need.”

Lexington Utilities participates in the American Public Power Association’s Mutual Aid Network, which coordinates with utilities and authorities during widespread power outages.

For more information on Lexington Utilities, visit or learn more about the public power community’s commitment to mutual aid by visiting

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