

Faith and Fellowship: Now is a better time

Faith and Fellowship: Now is a better time

On the last day of the current year, we can reflect over the year that is coming to an end. Now is a better time than ever to reflect and repent of our sins, And Thank our Heavenly Father for bringing us thus to another years end. For we know that The word if God teaches us, in the book of John 1:1 “ In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God”.

We are on the brink of 2024, now would be a great time to think back on the type of person you were in 2023. Maybe there is a part of 2023 you wish you could have changed, perhaps you may think, you wish you would have treated someone differently, maybe you would have been more patient, maybe you would have given more Love, or just maybe you would have been more understanding and supportive of others.
The most important part of your reflection should be. How did I treat the Savior in 2023, how was your relationship with God.

Did you spend time with God? Were you in communion with God, or did you Praise and Worship God for who he is.

We should always remember that our God is Love,
We are his children and he knows that we are special. The Love of God is precious to us.
Mark 1:15, teaches us ,” The time has come, the Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news”, We have been taught it is not how you start, but most importantly it is how you finish.
I have good news, there is a way we can finish and make up for any mistakes, errors or bad starts that we may have had.

A good finish negates a bad start. The word of God teaches us to keep our eyes on Heavenly things.
Stay with God from the beginning to the end, and never lose sight of the plan and purpose for our lives, Our Lord and Savior never lost sight of his purpose in life.

Our Savior had to endure from the beginning to the end, our Lord and Savior endured from the manger.
To the cross, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky our Savior finished the course of life with honor!

Ending 2023 well, should be our main objective. Our primary goal and top priority.
To accomplish this all of our decisions and actions should be directed towards this singular goal of hearing these words, from Jesus Christ. “Behold I will be with you even to the end of time.”

Now that we say goodbye to 2023, Let us now set our hearts focusing on our future in 2024.
So let us began our new beginning that we shall began and end well.

From The End to the New Beginning.
Happy New Year 2024!!!

May God So Richly Bless!

Minister Toni Mccullough

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