

Faith and Fellowship: God’s Divine Protection

Faith and Fellowship: God’s Divine Protection

In today’s world we need the Divine Protection from God, like never before. We must stand against the attacks of the enemy, For we know that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. As believers we have to release our faith to live under the divine protection of God! Psalm 91:1, teaches us, He that dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, the secret place.

As believers we must trust in God’s word and trust in God’s Faithfulness. The safest place in the world is in the will of God. The safest protection in the world is on the name of God. There maybe times in life when we feel rejection, But often times it’s the hand of God’s protection that stops us from heading in the wrong direction. There may be times when we may think that somethings in life are coincidences, But let us remember God’s mighty hand is at work.

God always sees what we don’t see, God’s Divine Protection will always show up on our behalf. When we try to do our own thing, God Divine Protection always shows up on our behalf. God is going to always protect us, whether we like it or not. 1 Corinthians 13:12, For now we see through a glass, clearly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know ,even as also I am known.

Trust in God’s Divine Protection, He is faithful, He is protecting you, and he will always make a way. God protect us daily and we don’t even know it. The Lord keeps you from all harm, and watches over your life.
Christians have protection, but those who seek other gods are helpless. In Jesus Christ we can never lose our Salvation if we live in his will , As believers we must continue to pray God’s divine protection of others.

We should not fear because, God’s Divine Protection is with us. Psalm 3:5, I lay down and I slept, yet I wake up safely, for the Lord was watching over me. When we pray we must always pray for God’s Protection, we should ask for protection for our family, friends and for other believers. God’s Divine Protection will always be there for you.

The biblical promise is that our God will be a hedge of protection. Job 1:11, Have you put a hedge around him and his household, and everything he has. God’s protection will provide shelter in times of trouble. He will protect you when the enemy comes in like a flood. God’s Divine Protection is mighty!

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember there may be times in life where tragedy may happen in your family. God’s divine protection is still there, we may have trials, which reminds us of this fallen world we live in. When life doesn’t seem to make sense, continue to pray and trust in the power of God. He will always be there for you. God’s Divine Protection is keeping us all the days of our lives!

May God so richly bless!!!

Accepting applicants: Miss Denton, Junior Miss Denton, and Little Miss Denton

Accepting applicants: Miss Denton, Junior Miss Denton, and Little Miss Denton

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