{Photos by: Clarence-Vernon Hargrave}
The sun beamed through the trees at St. Stephen's United Methodist Church in Lexington Tuesday morning as Advocates for Charles McNeair gathered to caravan to our state’s capital for a second meeting at the Legislative Office with Eric Fletcher, who serves as General Counsel and advises on legal affairs for the Office of the Governor.
Senator Steve Jarvis served as the facilitator for the meeting which was also attended by Mayor Jason Hayes, Lexington City Council members Garret Holloway and Joe Watkins as well as Board Members from the advocacy group. The supporters are hoping for a positive turning point in McNeair’s case for clemency and are seeking updates on the case.
Always in attendance is McNeair’s brother Harvey who stated, “I am going to Raleigh today for justice”.
Harvey McNeair shows support for his brother Charles
A march is planned on September 30, 2023 at the courthouse in Uptown Lexington beginning at 4:30 PM. There is great significance to the march which will recognize the forty-third year that Charles McNeair has been incarcerated. Charles McNeair was moved to Wilkesboro last week.
Clemency advocates, McNeair family and elected officials with State Senator Steve Jarvis.