

Thomasville provides "Beat the Heat, life saving tips"

Thomasville provides "Beat the Heat, life saving tips"

Beat the Heat: Extreme Heat

Heat related deaths are preventable

  • WHAT:

    • Extreme heat or heat waves occur when the temperature reaches extremely high levels or when the combination of heat and humidity causes the air to become oppressive.

  • WHO:

    • Children

    • Older adults

    • Outside workers

    • People with disabilities

    • More males than females are affected

  • WHERE:

    • Houses with little to no AC

    • Construction worksites

    • Cars


    • Stay hydrated with water, avoid sugary beverages

    • Stay cool in an air conditioned area

    • Wear light-weight, light colored, loose fitting clothes

During extreme heat the temperature in your car could be deadly.

  • Outside Temperature 80°

    • Inside: 109°

      • Time Elapsed: 20 minutes

    • Inside: 118°

      • Time Elapsed: 40 minutes

    • Inside: 123°

      • Time Elapsed: 60 minutes

HEAT ALERTS: Know the difference.

  • HEAT OUTLOOK (Minor): Excessive heat event in 3 to 7 days

  • HEAT WATCHES: Excessive heat event in 12 to 48 hours

  • HEAT WARNING/ADVISORY (Major): Excessive heat event in next 36 hours


  • Those living in urban areas may be at a greater risk from the effects of a prolonged heat wave than those living in rural areas.

  • Most heat-related illnesses occur because of overexposure to heat or over-exercising.

  • Sunburn can significantly slow the skin’s ability to release excess heat.

  • 658 people died in the US as a result of extreme heat in 2011.

  • $30 BILLION estimated total cost of the 2012 US drought and heatwave.

For more information, please visit:


Beat the HEAT!!

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