Silver Valley: Civitan Project Santa recognized twice by Civitan International —



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Silver Valley: Civitan Project Santa recognized twice by Civitan International

Silver Valley: Civitan Project Santa recognized twice by Civitan International

Civitan Project Santa recognized twice by Civitan International

Civitan Project Santa was honored by Civitan International with two first place awards at the 103rd International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Silver Valley Civitan Club earned first place awards for Outstanding

Community Service Project as well as Outstanding Youth Service Project. The

awards period covers October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022.

The 55 th edition of Silver Valley Civitan Project Santa Claus brought joy to 65

families and 99 children. Basic needs of food, clothing and toys were distributed

to approximately 320 people. The estimated of the gifts exceeded $15,000.

More than 50 volunteers, including 26 Civitan members, provided 500 hours of

service over a dozen work sessions. The shopping group included 30 elves

selecting clothing and toys requested by the children. Community support

included assistance from the school, the fire department, churches, businesses and


The 2021-22 Civitan President was K. Chris Hughes and the overall coordinator

of Project Santa was Joyce Parrish. Assistant coordinator was Gary Arnold. Team

captains were Sara Barker-list, Harold Parrish-visitation, Joyce Hughes-clothing

& toys, John Hughes-food & fruit and Peggy Harrison-people with special needs

and cards.

Project Santa is the signature service project of the club. Members, family and

friends along with donors contribute generously of their time and resources.

The Silver Valley Civitan Club was chartered in 1959 and has served the

community for 65 years. The club typically meets the 2 nd and 4 th Monday each

month at New Jerusalem Reformed Church at 7 p.m. Contact Gary Arnold at

(336) 247-5772 to obtain an invitation to visit.

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Caption for photo by Gary Arnold:

Santa Davis Tucker Davis and Civitan emblem.

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