

Cassidy Writes: The Graveyard - Part 2

Cassidy Writes: The Graveyard - Part 2

“Spirits? What do you know about those?” The groundskeeper asked, looking at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Well…,” I started. “...not much. My grandpa tells me stories about them all the time. He says he’s able to talk to them.”

The groundskeeper hung his lantern up on a branch and sat down, motioning for me to join him.“ Some can. Some can’t. Most people fear them. It’s a shame really.”

I settled down next to him, and thought for a moment. “Why’s it a shame?” I asked, looking up at the man who sadly smiled.

“You know, not a lot of people come down to this graveyard…you're the first person in a long time.” He sighed and pushed himself up. “Come on, let’s get you home it’s late.” He began to lead the way, but turned back when he realized I wasn’t following. 

“My grandpa won’t be up for a while, I can stay.” I stated with confidence that didn't last for long.

The older man shook his head and extended his hand. “It’d be safer for you to leave as soon as you can.”

The cold air blew through my hair again, sending shivers throughout my body. “Okay.” I said, surrendering, grabbing his hand. He led me back through the trees again and we slowly walked for a while until I finally spoke up. “Have you ever talked to a spirit before?”

He pushed a branch out of our way, holding it for me. “Plenty of times, it’s really my job.”

I crouched and followed him further through the trees. “So what’s it like to talk to them?” I asked, breaking the silence.

The groundskeeper looked back at me, keeping his pace. “Well, usually they’ll tell me about their stories, and what their lives were like when they were living.” 

“I don’t think I ever want to talk to one.” I said, shaking my head.

“Why’s that?” The man asked, moving another branch.

“It just sounds scary.” He chucked. “Well lots of things seem scary…but you never know until you try.”

We eventually made it to the end of the graveyard, and the man hung his lantern on another branch, scratching the back of his head. “This is it kid. It was nice to have someone to walk with tonight.”

I turned away from him, closing my eyes, listening to the wind whistle. “What happens to the spirits?”

He put his hands in his pockets, and smiled. “Well, you can only see them for a little while, so they disappear after a while.”

I turned back, and opened my mouth to ask another question, but he stopped me. “You should get going.”

I nodded, climbing over the gates once again. The wind blew through my hair, but it didn’t give me chills this time. I turned to wave at the old man, but when I did…he was gone.

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