

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary (Part 2)

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary (Part 2)

To read Part 1 of Dear Diary, click here.

November 24
8:30 pm

Dear Diary,

I didn’t journal yesterday because I was really busy. Wednesday morning, I woke up like usual, but there was a strange light tapping sound. It sounded like it was coming from the floorboards. I paced around the house, listening for the sound but it only came from a certain spot. There's a small area under the stairs, kind of like a crawl space, with a square outline.

Earlier, I wrote the words I gathered from the puzzles on a sticky note. Going back over them they are: in, frame, down, pictures, and stairs. Besides being occupied, I did a puzzle. The only word I collected was basement. Problem is, this house doesn’t have a basement. Well…I think so. I ended up sawing at the outline. Using the information from the crosswords, and my own intuition, I believe there is a basement somewhere beyond the wall. I’m going to finish, and journal what I find later. 

10:00 pm 

Well. I’m disappointed. After I finished sawing on the outline, the square area caved in, revealing a set of stairs. At first, I was excited, creeping down the stairs and turning on the lights. Then, I saw the only thing down there - a key dangling from the ceiling, connected by a string. I sawed my wall for a key. I told my sister about everything that happened (she thought I was crazy especially when I started to send her screenshots of the puzzles) and she suggested it may lead to another place in the house. I mean, it’s got to be pretty important if you leave it in an empty room hanging from the ceiling. However, I’m still disappointed. 

11:00 pm

I totally forgot to write this earlier, the room wasn’t dusty at all. In fact, it seemed had been cleaned, recently. And I still have no idea what the tapping was all about. Anyways, I need to put this stuff out of my mind. Goodnight.

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