

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty?

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty?

“Three people close to the suspect have confessed, and we still don’t have the evidence to convict anyone.” Viola bit her lip and sighed.

Snider glanced at his watch and back to the woman impatiently standing in front of him. 

“So, innocent until proven guilty?” 

“Well, yes, but I still believe we know who the killer is.” 

“So, we’re just going to disregard the three people who confessed to committing the crime and go with the first guy because we don’t have enough evidence?” Sinder snorted. 

“I never said that… all I was saying is we don’t have enough for a conviction. Keep up.” Viola sighed and dropped the papers she was holding on his desk. “You can go over these; I’ll pick them up later.”

Viola silently shut the heavy door on the way out and let out the breath she was unconsciously holding. 

“Morning, Delgado, how’d it go?” a bright voice bantered. Viola looked up, meeting the eyes of her favorite co-worker.

“Same as always.” She cracked a smile, then shook her head. “I’d rather not talk about it right now. You hungry?”

Harley's eyes lit up. “I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me that for the past hour.

Viola pulled her phone from her pocket, checking the time. “There’s a place not too far from there, around five minutes. When I tell you they have the best pancakes I mean it.”

The two made their way to the elevator, only stopping quickly to say “good morning” to their colleagues.

As the elevator doors closed, Harley snickered. “So, I heard you have a suspect.”

Viola let out an exasperated breath and rolled her eyes. “Yup. Who knew such a small town could be so evil?” She pressed the down button, as the elevator lightly shook.

 “Snider told me tha-”

“You talked to Snider?” Viola cut off her friend, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, he approached me. He told me that all the suspects happen to have had the same tailor. That’s useful.”

Viola turned to the curly-haired woman blankly. “When?”

“Just yesterday.”

“All that caffeine might be going to your head…today was the first time Snider ever heard of the case.” She chuckled.

“Seriously, you need to cut back on that stuff.”

Harley cracked her knuckle and laughed. “You're right… I told you I’m trying. I’ve only had one coffee so far.”

Viola checked her phone again. “It’s only 7:37… but congratulations.”

The elevator came to a stop, and the doors slowly opened.

“Ladies first,” Harley said, playfully motioning for Viola to go as she shook her head laughing.

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