

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 2

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 2

Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 1

Viola sighed and softly shut her laptop.

“Another long day?”

She turned around in her chair to meet eyes with Harley.

“Yeah, actually, but we discovered that two of the people who confessed definitely didn’t do it.”

A smile played on Harley's lips as she sat down next to her friend.

“That’s good to hear. How you’d manage to figure that out?” Harley said while picking up a notecard to clean out her nails.

“Well, the first person wasn’t even there, so that’s a definite no. As for the second one, the evidence just didn’t add up. It was almost like someone set them up to own up to it.”

Harley glanced at her and back at the notecard. “I’m sure that was crazy to figure out.” Viola laughed and took the notecard from her hands, standing up.

“Sure was! Snider couldn’t believe it.” 

“Speaking of Snider, did you ever get those papers back?”

Viola gave her a puzzled look and shook her head. “Papers?”

“Yeah, the papers you left for him the other day,” Harley questioned and looked back up at Viola.

“Now that you mention it, no, I didn’t. Why?” she queried and set the card down again.

“I mean, I just wanted to go over them, but if you don’t have them back yet, it’s all good.” She smiled and stood, pocketing the notecard.

“Oh, yeah, I’ll get them on my way out.” Viola smiled and put on her jacket. “You coming?”

“Yeah, sure.”

The two made their way to Snider’s office in silence, exchanging annoyed looks when they got to the door.

 “Ready?” Viola asked and rolled her eyes.

“To get this over with? Yes.”

Viola slowly opened the heavy door. “Hello?” she called into the room.

The two locked eyes with Snider who had his feet propped on his desk. He looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows. “Delgado, you’re just the person I need to see.” 

Viola gave a confused look and chuckled. “I was just about to say the same to you. Can I have those papers I gave to you a few days ago?”

Snider shook his head. “That’s why I needed to talk to you. I thought you had picked them up yesterday morning. When I came in, they were gone.”

“So, you lost them?”

Snider scorned her. “I don’t lose papers, plus they were sitting right on top of my desk; that’s where I left them the night before.” He motioned to the middle of the desk and looked back at her. 

Viola turned to her friend, giving her a look. “Well, if we ever find them, I’ll get them to you as soon as I can.”

Harley softly smiled. “It’s okay, don’t stress about this. I’m sure they’ll turn up somewhere.”

“Yeah, I hope so. Thanks anyway, Snider.”

As the two turned to leave the office, Snider said one last thing. “By the way, I think you should look at the case as only a kidnapping, not a murder. Good chance she’s still alive.”

Viola thought for a moment and then slowly twisted the cold metal doorknob. “I’ll look into it. Thanks again.” 

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