

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 3

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 3

Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 1

Innocent until Proven Guilty? Part 2

“Well, I have good news and more good news,” Viola announced as she strolled into the breakroom.

Harley looked up, curious as to what Viola meant. “What is it?”

Viola smiled and pulled out a chair. “Okay, so I’ve made copies of the missing papers…which took forever.” She sat and opened the box of donuts on the table.

Harley watched as she took out one and licked her fingers. “And?” she questioned raising an eyebrow. 

“Oh, sorry.” Viola laughed. “Well, it’s good for our suspects, not really for us.” She bit into the donut and looked up at her friend. “None of our suspects match up with the evidence we have. Plus, through questioning, we found that none of them even knew who the victim was.” 

Harley pulled out a chair and slowly sat down. “So, we have no idea who might have done it?” Viola shook her head and took another bite. “Nope, so we’re going to the scene today to look around. You want to come?”

Harley paused to think and then shook her head, too. “I’ll pass; I’ve got a lot to do.”

Viola made her way to Snider's office again, probably for the fiftieth time this week. As she was preparing herself to open the door, he walked out. “Oh, morning. Are you ready?”

Viola smiled and chuckled. “Yeah, I was just coming to ask you the same thing.”

The duo left and finally broke the silence once they got in the car. “You made two copies of the papers, right?” Snider looked over at her, starting the car.

“Mmm hmm,” she hummed and pulled a copy from her bag. “I left the other on my desk.”

Snider backed out of the space as he prepared to drive off. “Good.”

The long drive was mostly silent until Viola finally spoke. “Do you really think it’s her?”

Snider sighed and pulled into an empty parking lot. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have done this.”

Viola pulled a granola bar from her bag and quickly unwrapped it. “Well, if the papers are gone when we get back, we’ll know for sure,” she said as she bit into the snack.

“Look, I know she’s your friend, but if she needed the papers to look over, she could’ve just asked…but taking them and then lying about it is too suspicious.”

Viola took another bite, looked out the window and sighed. “It just doesn’t sound like something she’d do.” She pocketed the half-empty wrapper and checked her phone. “Let’s head back now; it’s already been twenty minutes.” 

When they arrived at the office, it was mostly empty as before and no cars had left. The two took the elevator and made their way back to Viola's desk. Viola reached it first and stopped. She turned to Snider. “They’re gone!” 

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