

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Online education

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Online education

For some students, online learning works best for them. At one point, during the pandemic, remote learning was commonly used. Schools around the world use online platforms to educate their students. To this, there are many advantages and disadvantages. Online learning can be flexible, and efficient which is liberating for some students. However, with less in-person interaction, and plenty of distractions, it can quickly become hard for others.

When students learn online, there are no in-person interactions. For some students, this lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of isolation, and sadness. “For many students, not having enough interaction with professors and peers is among the biggest challenges of studying online and passing their courses.” Some students need more structure and support, and online learning requires those students to be independent and responsible for their own learning. 

Not managing your time properly, and giving into certain distractions can leave students behind, and under an unnecessary amount of stress. The most common distraction is technology and there are others. Family members can be a distraction to students. However, managing your time, setting a schedule, staying organized, and planning out your assignments can all help. 

Online learning requires very strong self-motivation and willpower. With the lack of external factors in-person learning has which pushes students to get work done, sometimes they are instead left to fend for themselves. Without anyone constantly urging some students,  work doesn’t get done, and keeping up with regular deadlines quickly becomes extremely difficult. Self-discipline and time management are key to success during online learning. Student and teacher communication is also extremely important. 

All-in-all there are advantages and disadvantages to every type of learning environment, and everyone learns differently. In the end, the effort you put into your own education determines how beneficial your experience will be for you. 


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