

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary

Our creative writer extraordinaire, Catherine Lyons, will return with original short stories in February. In her absence, we’ll be publishing short stories from our newest intern, Cassidy Craven. A lover of writing, Craven, a high school freshman, will be sharing original content geared towards teens and young adults. When Lyons returns, Craven’s weekly content will shift to a different day. Happy reading!

Dear Diary

November 22
10:00 pm

Dear Diary,

Lately, I´ve been into word puzzles. Since I live alone, they pass the time and keep me busy. After I moved out of my parent’s house, I cut off contact with almost everyone except for my sister. I don't really want to get into that kind of stuff right now, but let's just say they weren't the best people.  

My sister has always been there for me, but since she’s older, I don't see her a lot. This journal is dedicated to puzzles, not my personal life, so let me move on. As fun as the puzzles are, some have been off lately. It's almost been like someone's trying to send me messages, that’s why I started this journal. It's absurd I know, but somehow I need to keep track of what's going on. Today I'll work on the crossword puzzles that come in the mail. Those are the ones I’ve struggled with the most.

Almost every day around 3pm, the mailman makes his way to my block. Almost daily at 3:05pm. I check my mailbox. The word puzzles only come on Mondays and Fridays though. The only words I´ve gathered from the crosswords are; in, frame, and down. I´m not actually sure about the down one, I just kind of guessed. Honestly, I don’t know what they mean either. 

I just moved into a new house and have barely unpacked. I should probably do that. Back to the topic though, I´ll try and figure out some more words. The thing is, I don't really understand why I (of all people) would be sent messages, but I still feel the need to figure them out. 

10:30 pm

Hey, it's me again. I´ve done another puzzle since I last wrote here. The words I collected were; pictures, and stairs. I´m starting to think that the messages correlate with my house somehow. Although, this really could be something I made up in my head because I was bored but it’s exciting. I haven't been able to sleep much either, and getting four hours isn´t  better than my usual five. 

I've started to really get into the whole thing, I mapped out all the possible things these messages could be referencing. I also make sure to write down any words I figure out, in my notepad. Anyways, I need to get dinner started. It’s already late and I didn't realize it. Well, they do say time flies when you’re having fun. Too bad the crossword didn't say anything about dinner ideas. 

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