

Cathy's Creative Corner: An Open Letter to Our Family

Cathy's Creative Corner: An Open Letter to Our Family

Dear Family,

We made it back home to the Barbeque Capital of the World! Hope everyone else returned home safely and enjoyed the holiday gathering as much as my brother and I. We also hope you enjoyed that pit-cooked shoulder we brought. We know everyone doesn’t eat pork but we also knew, from past experiences, that there’d be a lot of other meats and dishes to please even the pickiest of eaters. I only regret we get together once a year. However, it’s understandable taking into consideration the distances some families are traveling.  

Seeing all the elders interacting with the newbies brought joy to my heart. Whether they were babies or a family coming for the first time, they were welcomed with open arms. Another thing, everyone was interested in what others had to say. At least, it looked that way. We were raised to be considerate, respectful and attentive to others so throughout the “meet ‘n’ greet,” the dinner and the business meeting, no one got out of line. Everyone was heard who wanted to speak and good, thoughtful feedback was given. Being cut from the same cloth showed.

We were so relieved to see our Jersey guy who had gone missing after a past gathering. The main assumption was he had gotten lost in the mountains on his way home and met a tragic end. After months of not hearing anything, we stopped inquiring. Glad to see you made it back, Cuz. I’m also thankful everyone made the young cousin from Texas feel positive about herself. The injuries she received after being mauled by the family’s pet are very noticeable. Her new arm and leg may not be as proportionate as possible with her other limbs but that’s what now makes her unique. Also having one blue eye and one black eye adds to that uniqueness.   

I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed and I must say our family genes are ridiculous! We ALL look alike. There is no mistaking us for any other family out there! I guess it’s the red hair that does it (smile). Personally, I want to give a thumb-up to the ones who have “streaked” or “tipped” their hair. It takes some getting used to, but it is very becoming on some. Never be afraid to try something new. My brother is not a fan, but, like I explained to him, no amount of dye will change that gene. We’ll always have redheads in the family. What he approved of that caught me off guard was the family wearing black lipstick. Goth? I don’t think so seeing as how the wardrobe wasn’t. But they were outfitted in black tights and socks covering up our recognizable legs. So, maybe the beginning of goth or an identity crisis. Whichever it may be, you were noticed and it works well for you.

Creator Johnny Gruelle would be so happy to see how his family has evolved. After 106 years, our family number has surpassed anything he could have imagined. That says a lot about our character. We flourished more in the sixties than any other decade but we’re still going strong. Our elders are well-seasoned and worth their weight in gold. We may each wear our heart ON our chest, but that’s what makes us authentic. So until we gather again, just remember, we’re more alike than we are different.

Your Lexington, North Carolina Cousins,
Raggedy Ann & Raggedy Andy

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