

Cathy's Creative Corner: Best Buds (Part 2)

Cathy's Creative Corner: Best Buds (Part 2)

Cam was meeting up with a few of his fraternity brothers this morning for breakfast. Everyone was excited or anxious over their approaching graduation. It was interesting how some were returning home to pursue business opportunities while others were going as far away from home as possible. He, himself, had not landed a job, although he did have several upcoming interviews with reputable establishments. Cam felt the need to have Ella’s help in talking him through this decision-making process. He wondered if her plans post-graduation were set in stone. He hoped not.

“Morning, sunshine!” Cam bellowed as a sleepy Ella answered her phone.

“Right back at cha’.” Ella yawned. “What’re you doing waking people up all early on a Saturday morning? Dang, man.”

“It’s not early. It’s going on eleven. The brothers and I met for breakfast since we’ll be parting ways soon.”

 “Gee, hate I missed that,” Ella said sarcastically.

 “You have a late night date or something?” questioned Cam.

 “No, just couldn’t rest last night. A lot’s on my mind right now.”

 “That’s understandable with exams and final papers due and-” Cam started to say.

“Has nothing to do with schoolwork!” Ella interjected. “It’s personal. It’s a ‘me’ thing. Something I need to work out.”

“Alrighty then. I’ll be through to see you soon.”

“See you when I see you,” she huffed back.

Ella could tell he was caught off guard by her outburst. How did he have the audacity to act like everything was fine, like nothing had changed, like her feelings didn’t matter? He ran everything else by her for approval so how’d he make this engagement decision on his own? Ella had dealt with a barrage of feelings all night. She started out feeling sad and sorry for herself but at this point she was mad and wanted an explanation. Honestly, Ella didn’t know if it was jealousy or the fact that she was in love with Cam that had her on this emotional rollercoaster. But knowing Cam, he’d be coming by sooner than later. Ella leapt from bed to get showered and dressed.

 Not a moment too soon, Ella thought when she heard a knock at the door. Checking her makeup and hair, she was confident she was prepared for this conversation. As she opened the door, Cam looked past her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company,” he offered as he scanned the room.

“I don’t.” Ella ushered him in. She assumed he’d be going by Angie’s later with the roses and wine he brought in.

“Are you expecting someone? I mean, you’re looking like date-night Ella.” Cam smiled.

“Just waiting on you, Cam. I knew you’d be coming to see what’s up. I’m glad you did ‘cos I’ve got to get this off my chest. How are you getting engaged to some other girl without telling me first? I thought we were closer than that! We’ve been best buds for how long? And right now, I don’t know what I feel.  Am I sad because I know our time together is limited or because I’m jealous you found someone before me?”

“Or is it because you think I found someone other than you?” Cam delved. “Is it jealousy or is it love? Please tell me it’s love.”

Ella was now the one caught off guard. “What do you mean?” she asked.

“Ella, I have loved you since the day you asked me to pick the scab off your boo-boo because you didn’t like it on your leg. Did you not notice that most of the guys I set you up with were jerks? I knew you’d at least get a good meal out of ‘em. I didn’t pick many who had potential. That was too risky.”

“Come on, Cam. Don’t be … why didn’t … I mean …” stuttered Ella.

“Why didn’t I say something before now?” Cam queried. “Because I really didn’t know and once I did, I didn’t know how to tell you. You know you’ve always been my hype girl in those situations. How was I supposed to ask you to tell you I liked you?”

“Cam, I’m at a loss for words.”

“As long as you don’t tell me to shut up or get out, I’m cool.” Cam smiled as he gave Ella a hug that sent shivers throughout her body. “So, we cool?”

“Oh, yeah, we’re real cool.” Ella giggled back. “But what about Angie?”

“She’ll be happy to know her plan worked. The Save the Date ploy was all her idea. It seems everyone but US knew we were meant to be together. Once I confirmed it, Angie said this would bring out your true feelings. I couldn’t take the chance of us parting ways here in Atlanta and you meeting someone else.” Cam walked over to the roses and wine. “Now, it’s time to celebrate!”

Ella was beside herself with happiness. Her mind was racing making plans to do things, not as best friends, but as a couple. The thought alone made her heart flutter!

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