

Cathy's Creative Corner: 'Cuse Me (The Walk)

Cathy's Creative Corner: 'Cuse Me (The Walk)

*Enjoy the conclusion to Cathy’s ‘Cuse Me short story series. If you missed the previous two, you can view them here and here.*

After the past few days of rain, this was the perfect day for Sonya and Amber Marie’s first walk together. The youngster led the way. Her little arms and legs were in unison as she high stepped down the sidewalk. There was more of an “up and down” motion than going forward so Sonya adjusted her pace accordingly. “You look like a pro at this, Amber Marie,” she kidded. “I think you’ve been holding out on me.”

“No, ma’am. I haven’t power walked before. Just around the yard while I was practicing to go with you,” the young girl answered.

“Well, you’ve gotten pretty good at it. You’ll be a pro in no time! I love being outside. I bet you were miserable being cooped up in the house all those days it rained, weren’t you?” inquired Sonya.

“No, ma’am,” replied a puzzled Amber. “Did you stay in the house?”

“Other than going to work, I sure did. I don’t like running in and out of the rain getting wet,” Sonya explained. With that answer, she could see the questions forming in Amber Marie’s head.

“’Cuse me but don’t you got a raincoat? And don’t you have no galoshes? I guess you don’t like making mud pies and mud shakes. Me and Grandma Marie got a table full of mud pot pies and shakes in the backyard. I even made one for you. I sprinkled gravel and grass and red berries on top to make it pretty. We walked down the street to the Wilson’s house and picked some berries off their sticky bushes. Grandma said you can’t eat ‘em so the Wilsons don’t mind if we take ‘em. But don’t go messing around their plum, cherry or pecan trees. You might get blessed out! They sell that stuff when it grows. On our way back home, we was standing on the corner and this truck splashed a big puddle of water on us. Grandma Marie yelled, ‘Fa-Jesus!’ ‘cos it scared her! Don’t tell her I said it, Ms. Sonya, but I think she was ‘bout to cuss,” snickered the tike cupping her hands over her mouth.

“Of course, I won’t tell! Here I was thinking you were trapped in the house and you were out and about having a good ole time! I might have to get some galoshes and come visit you the next time it rains. As long as we don’t get too muddy, I think I can handle it,” hinted Sonya.

 “We could have fun splashing in the puddles while we walk! But we can only get muddy on the days when mom doesn’t have any other washing to do. I don’t understand that. Why not wash it all at one time and be done?” said a baffled Amber Marie.

Midway around the next block, the young girl jogged up to the house they were approaching. Sonya had never noticed all the birdhouses that hung from the ceiling of the wrap-around porch or the ones that stood on poles in the yard. They were brightly painted and beautiful. All sizes for all kinds of birds lined the porch. “Looks like Mr. Dan’s made more since I been here. He’s sold a lot, too,” Amber Marie observed. A few seconds later, they were back on their journey.

Sonya began to wonder what else she may have missed on her evening power walks since she always kept her eyes focused straight ahead. A few houses away from home, Amber whispered, “’Cuse me. Can we stop to see if the twins got any new cans or spoons?” Sounds interesting, thought Sonya.

“Sure. What do they do with the cans and spoons?”

 “Carrie punches holes in the cans with nails. It’s pretty when you light up the cans. Caryn bends spoons into shapes and melts them together. Some of her stuff is big!” demonstrated Amber with outstretched arms.

“Tin punch and sculptures. I can’t wait to see it. Our little neighborhood is full of surprises! Thanks for taking me along.” Sonya smiled. She and Amber Marie fist bump and continue on their way. Sonya liked seeing life through the eyes of her new best friend. She may even expand their perimeter.

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