

Cathy's Creative Corner: It Was a Good Day…Until it Wasn’t

Cathy's Creative Corner: It Was a Good Day…Until it Wasn’t

The morning air is crisp. I can tell today is going to be nice! After what felt like a month of 90-degree temperatures, today’s high is forecasted to hover around 75 degrees. It’s the end of summer, going into fall, and although we’ve still gotta face Indian summer, today’s temp is a welcomed change. Think I’ll take the kids to a park. They’re only four, three and one-and-a half-years-old so a little neighborhood park will suffice. As long as there’s a swing, a sliding board and room to run, they’ll be happy. It’s a good day to take a ride, too. Bae has wanted to go check out this spot in a neighboring town since one of her friends told her about it. Maybe I can get Ma to watch the kids after we leave the park so Bae and I can hit it up. Time to start making some moves if we’re gonna enjoy the whole day!

Ma agreed to watch her li’l angels after their visit to the park. Bae is home getting ready. So, it’s just me and the kids, and I plan on letting them wear themselves out. Little did I know, they had the same plan for me. Man, am I glad Bae just called and said she’s ready!

Within 15 minutes of dropping off the kids, we’re on the highway. It’s around five o’clock. The restaurant is not too far from the highway. It’s a short, sweet ride with the windows down and we’re here before the evening crowd starts to come. No wait time! In the hustle and bustle of getting the kids ready this morning, I skipped breakfast. I had Bae bring my medicines because I need to take them with food. Down the hatch! Ain’t nothing like a cold glass of sweet tea. I never listen to smooth jazz but that’s what’s playing here and it sounds good. Helps pass the time. Once the waitress approaches, I almost take the plate out of her hand ‘cos the food looks so good! If it’s only half as good as it looks, I’ll be satisfied! I grab my medicine container and down the hatch…. Again? Bae brings it to my attention that she thinks I’ve already taken my meds. I do believe she’s right. Oh, well. Kinda makes up for the days when I’ve forgotten to take them at all. Our meals are superb! Bae wants to try a dessert. I’m going for a cocktail. Just what I need to top off that meal! Seeing how my better half is taking her time and enjoying the music, I can cocktail twice. We really enjoyed this outing!

Upon our arrival home with the kids, Bae gets them ready for bed. She calls for me from the bedroom. I respond. She calls again. I respond. Next thing I know, she is standing over me in a panicked state. I hear her call 9-1-1. She’s saying I am unresponsive. Unresponsive? I just answered you! Now she’s using my phone to call Ma and my sister while on the line with 9-1-1!

Bae, you being a little extra! They’re gonna kill you when they get here and everything is fine! What are you doing? Why is she not answering me? Better yet, how can I see myself sitting there? Okay, now I’m starting to feel a little woozy as everything fades to black.

“We’re starting to get a stronger pulse. His breathing is shallow but he is breathing on his own now. Let’s get him ready for transport.” I hear this strange voice but I can barely open my eyes. In the ambulance, the EMT asks questions about my medications and then about the cocktails. I had to verify I had taken my meds twice at dinner. I now know there can be significant drug interactions when you inadvertently drink while taking prescribed medicines. It cost me the price of an ambulance ride, a hospital stay and a little dignity. But it’s a lesson well learned. Turned my stellar day into a black hole.

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