

Cathy's Creative Corner: No One Pays Attention (Until Today)

Cathy's Creative Corner: No One Pays Attention (Until Today)

Today was a good day. I find myself back at the camp to settle in for the evening. The weather was unusually nice and made one wonder what tonight will hold. I like the cool nights when I can add extra bedding for warmth or add an extra layer of clothing for comfort.  Neither choice looks conspicuous as they both help pad the hammer I keep under my body for security. I’d like something a little thinner but it’s gotta pack a punch!

Supper was fantastic, too. I can tell when a meal is hurriedly prepared as opposed to when a little more time is taken. I can open a can of veggies and heat them some kind of way. Why would you come to a group feeding and do the same? Moreover, don’t come grudgingly if your heart isn’t in it. Most of all, don’t come with an attitude or phobia. I already feel bad enough about myself. Can I please take pleasure in the blessing of this meal? You don’t know the last time I may have had a decent meal. Tonight’s supper was truly a blessing. Not only was the food seasoned with love, but the volunteer servers’ actions were heartfelt.  Speaking to everyone they served, the dining hall was abuzz with conversation. I got full on the brotherly love being shared.

Approaching my corner spot in the camp, I notice a red cord anchoring my tarp to the fence. Well, wasn’t that thoughtful. One of my tie-downs must’ve come loose or it broke. It’s a wonder, as used and weathered as my supplies are, more of them don’t give way. I’ll find out who fixed this and thank them. (Don’t Get Anxious! Nothing’s Stolen! Think Happy Thoughts. Think Happy Thoughts.) As I calm myself, I am reminded I have nothing to steal, only things to be borrowed by others. My most prized possessions travel with me in my small bookbag, including Hammy, the hammer. Everything else is common to our community. It’s been given to me or I picked it up along the way. Maybe the thoughtful person who tied down my flapping tarp left me a goody! After careful inspection, nothing’s missing and no goodies, either.

While putting down my bedding, I see flashlights or lanterns shining as they move from tent to tent across the camp. I wonder for whom they’re looking. The only time outsiders come at night is when they’re trying to track down someone. Rarely is it the police. It’s usually a family member who’s gotten word a relative was spotted at a camp or at the shelter. All I know is they better get here soon or they’ll only get snoring from me.  It’s been a long day.

 It was a good night. I slept soundly. So sound, I’m having trouble prying open my eyes. As I do, I’m startled by a bright orange bag placed barely inside my entrance. It wasn’t there when I went to sleep. I guess the fireflies left it. As long as it’s not someone else’s trash, I’ll take it. The bag contained the kind of goodies I was hoping for yesterday. There are a few pairs of socks along with several cans of food. The good cans with the pop-top lids! Yes! What stands out the most is the flyer attached. A local abandoned hotel has been converted into housing for the homeless. Not just for families but for single people, too! Everyone who gets a room will be assigned a case manager to assess their needs. Am I about to regain a little control over my situation? Will privacy and I again become good friends? First of all, should I pinch myself to see if I’m still asleep? Is this a dream or is change on the horizon? Maybe someone has been paying attention after all!


Crisis Ministry of Davidson County (Shelter):  (336)248-6684

National Coalition for the Homeless: (202)462-4822

National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: (877)424-3838

Daymark Recovery Services (Mental Health/Substance Abuse): (336)242-2450

Monarch (Behavioral Health): (866)272-7826

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800)273-TALK


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