

Cathy's Creative Corner: The Long Winding Road

Cathy's Creative Corner: The Long Winding Road

You don’t have to be a world traveler to know that all roads are not the same. In a perfect world, they would be recently paved with a fresh paint job showing all the designated lanes. However, our world’s not perfect, as so too, the roads. In my mind, roads and road conditions can be compared to people and varying life circumstances. You may have heard a similar analysis before, but here’s my take on it.

 A country road usually leads from the hustle and bustle of city life to more serene communities where two to four houses within a mile radius are called neighbors. These roads usually have more curves and turns than what you find in town and allow for a peaceful flow of traffic. I see these roads as people who like the convenience of city life but prefer to be able to get away to their quiet place. 

 Interstates are four-lane divas that get straight to the point. They can get you from point A to point B in as little time as possible. It all depends on how many stops you want to make in between. Most travelers who connect with these divas want to get where they’re going in a speedy fashion. However, depending on how popular she is, there may be standstills that rear their heads as ugly rush hours. 

 All roads, at some point in time, have broken pavement, ruts, potholes. Cracks in the pavement can be smoothed over by another coat of asphalt. This equates to a minor disagreement between people. Ruts and potholes are bigger problems and need more attention. Sum up the situation, determine how much and how deep your patch work needs to be and smooth it over. Don’t let deep potholes linger. Just like one in the road can damage your car, one in your life can ruin a relationship.

 Give me a road that has curves and hills. Depending on the curve’s angle, you can imagine accelerating on a NASCAR track jumping from second place to first on the inside lane. On regular roads, signs are usually placed before a curve considered dangerous. Wouldn’t it be nice if life gave out such warnings when it’s about to throw you a curve? Better yet are detour signs! When there’s a problem on the road and you can’t continue with that route, there’s a detour on to other roads to get you to your destination. In life, some people take detours from what they thought they wanted. Some become complacent and will remain at this new destination. Others will venture on with the detour route and happily arrive at their original destination. Hence the saying, “It took a lot to get here but I made it.” As for hills on this journey, we all know the feeling when you crest the top of a hill. There’s a sense of accomplishment and the joy of the downhill ride! Equate that to getting over hurdles in your life.

 Lastly, here’s my take on crossroads and these modern-day roundabouts. Crossroads are where two roads join. Simple. In life, a crossroad is a point at which a crucial decision must be made in your personal life or with business affairs. Know which way is best for you before making a decision. Think long and hard. If necessary, you can return to that point and go in the other direction, but time is precious. As for those newfangled roundabouts, Beware! It’s not a merry-go-round, although it may take some people a few rounds to get to the road they’re seeking. Like crossroads, be sure of your decision or you may find yourself back at the beginning. Surprisingly, some people will take the same path over and over again hoping for a different destination/outcome.

 As for me, give me a long winding road full of potholes and ruts, curves and hills and throw in a roundabout or two. Having to stay alert, pay attention and be aware keeps life exciting!

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