

Cathy's Creative Corner: When the Curtains Blow-Part 2

Cathy's Creative Corner: When the Curtains Blow-Part 2

Must be a little windy out there today, I thought to myself as I approached the kitchen. I could see the curtains flapping straight out in the breeze. They had a little “snap” to them. The kind of “snap” the boys created with wet towels at the swimming pool, back in my younger days.

“Grandma, I’m going up to the park to shoot a few hoops,” announces my grandson as he heads out the door. I’m glad our neighborhood has a city park just up the street. My kids lived there growing up and my grandkids go there when they come to visit. Because of budget cuts, it doesn’t have all the playground equipment it once had, but if you’re into basketball, it’ll do.

“I’ll have lunch ready by the time you get back,” I reply. Oven-broiled hotdogs and fries always make for a winning combination. Since that’s a quick and easy meal, I’m just going to enjoy a little quiet time and this spring breeze. Immediately, the curtains start to blow; I close my eyes and drift back into time.

“Kids,” I hear myself call. “How about going outside and finding all the dry sticks and branches you can? I’m thinking about having a weenie roast tonight.” No more had to be said. All three of them hit the door at top speed to find the most wood. Seems like my parents liked having weenie roasts when they had friends visit from out-of-town. There was a lot of preparation and excitement around those visits. Now, I want my children to have this experience.

“I got a bunch, Mama!” says the youngest.

“I got more!” bests his sister.

“I got the biggest and they gonna burn longer!” proclaims the oldest. They had gathered enough sticks and branches for two fires.

“Thanks! Saves your daddy some time.” I chuckled. “Now to make some phone calls to see if your cousins want to come.” That is a given….they love weenie roasts, too. Since we all live in the same town, no traveling necessary.

As dusk approaches, everyone begins to arrive. It’s not long before the wire coat hangers are bent, the chili is warmed, the fries are ready. “Get that fire lit and let’s get this party started!” I exclaim. My hubby does his part, and shortly thereafter, there’re hotdogs being roasted. The moms are in the kitchen ready to fix their child’s plate the way s/he likes it. Most of the kids rush to eat so they can get to the marshmallows. Nope, you can’t have a weenie roast without roasting marshmallows. Sometimes more are lost to the fire than are eaten. At this particular roast, the kids decide to let the mallows catch fire and then fling them at each other. Thank goodness everyone’s a terrible shot! HOWEVER, one niece managed to land one of those mallow missiles on my son’s bare back. I don’t know who was more surprised, him or her. He hollered like a banshee! “Get it off! Get it off!” Of course, the kids got a stern scolding for coming up with this idea, but when they were out of sight, we parents had a good laugh. A little sticky, warm marshmallow never hurt anyone.

Another breeze snaps me out of my trance. I better get lunch started or the banshee’s son will complain about being hungry. A hotdog is a hotdog but the best one is roasted. Wonder if I can get him to gather up some sticks and branches for me?

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