

Today is Corn Day at the Lexington Farmers Market

Today is Corn Day at the Lexington Farmers Market

During summer I love it when the first harvest of vegetables are available. It is a treat to have a dinner filled with a plate of local and even homegrown vegetables. One of the most popular vegetables ever is corn. Corn is one of those vegetables that is eaten year-round and every season has numerous delicious recipes representing something made with corn. This versatile vegetable is also enjoyed in some form by every culture. Corn can be eaten as a vegetable, a grain or it’s hard, dry kernels transformed completely by popping. However, corn is actually classified by botanists as a fruit, as are tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers and squash.

For part two of our celebration of Corn Day today at the Lexington Farmers Market I am offering a recipe that accentuates corn as a sweet treat, an all time favorite, salted caramel popcorn.

 For most Americans, popcorn is a pantry staple. This is mainly due to its association with fun. The fun of socializing, the thrill of watching movies and the joy of snacking. This versatile snack has been enjoyed for centuries and is ranked in the top ten of favorite snacks. 

There are numerous types of popcorn kernels which vary in color and shape but all yield a fluffy white interior once heated. It is the reaction of the water in the popcorn kernel to the heat which makes the kernel explode. Anyone who has ever popped popcorn before must admit the apprehension or outright fear that can arise from the combination of a large heavy pot, hot butter or oil and high heat. Once I mastered the technique of popping popcorn in a pot on the stove, it became ever present in my life. I remember earlier days of experimenting with the Jiffy Pop saucer shaped aluminum pan, which mostly for me ended in a scorched tragedy. 

Then in the 1980’s with the introduction of the residential microwave oven came microwave popcorn. This invention gave everyone the ability to pop popcorn in a matter of minutes and at any place. While microwave popcorn is one of the most convenient methods of preparing popcorn, it too is also one of the most unforgiving. Go a few seconds too long and you will end up with something that resembles a smoke bomb in both stench and potency. 

What is it that makes the popcorn at the movies so good? I think that it is a combination of several things which include the enticing smell of butter and corn, the faux butter, orange-yellow appearance and the superfine special salt. Not to mention the request for extra butter which seals the deal. Movies and popcorn are a harmonious marriage and now, a ritual.

There are popcorn specialty stores and online retailers that cater to our cravings for the sweet or savory treat. These shops carry hundreds of flavors of popcorn which can be enjoyed separately or combined to make a unique blend. This for me is overwhelming because I usually can’t decide on one or two and end up leaving looking like I have been on a shopping spree. 

Catch up with friends and family this weekend with a good movie and a snack that has become an American favorite, popcorn.  Here is the recipe for my salted caramel popcorn in celebration of Corn Day

This recipe for salted caramel popcorn is my favorite because the caramel sets on the popcorn in minutes rather than having to go into the oven to be baked. If you have never made a homemade caramel before, do not be intimidated.

Salted Caramel Popcorn


  • 12 cups of Freshly popped Popcorn (make sure that no unpopped kernels remain. Did you know that unpopped kernels are called old maids?)

  • A large Non Stick Pan or Pot 

  • over medium heat add 

  • 1 cup of Sugar

  • 1 pinch of Salt


  • Do not stir the caramel, allow it to cook slowly on medium heat until it begins to reach a light caramel color. About 3 minutes, do not stir at all!

  • Now stir for the first time and add in 1 stick of Butter (salted or unsalted, it’s your choice) with a long wooden spoon, being careful not to scorch the caramel, I recommend that you do not leave the pot and you have all of your ingredients at hand. Keep stirring. Caramel burns quickly!

  • Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda. This will foam up and bubble, keep stirring, then turn off heat.

  • Stir in 1 teaspoon Vanilla or Butter Rum Flavoring

Be very careful and pour over popcorn in a large bowl or on a cookie sheet. If you want to add cashews or any other nut do it while mixing the warm popcorn coating. Spread on a cookie sheet and cool for ten minutes then enjoy.  

Store in an airtight container.


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