

Camp Comfort at Hospice of Davidson County gives tools for children to process grief

Camp Comfort at Hospice of Davidson County gives tools for children to process grief

Grief is a deeply personal journey for everyone, uniquely complex and difficult for each and very individual. Navigating one’s feelings of loss and grief can be a difficult experience and challenge, especially for younger people such as teens and children.

Camp Comfort, run by Hospice of Davidson County, serves as an aid in youth bereavement. Aiming to help families and guide them through the difficult process for a loved-one’s end of life care. Camp Comfort is a program of compassion and empathy through comfort-oriented advocacy and medical assistance.

Taking place on the Hospice of Davidson County campus, Camp Comfort is a day-camp, aiming to address a child's grief and offer support through a loss, whether it be anticipated or sudden. By offering different activities that promote reflection, a variety of healthy coping mechanisms, skills and emotional education, Camp Comfort serves as a safe place for youths to truly process their grief with the support of those alongside. There are also trained professionals who are expressly there to guide children through the bereavement process.

Established in 1985, Hospice of Davidson County has always been an organization of empathy and support, offering 24/7 medical care, end-of-life healthcare and pain management and bereavement counseling services. With Camp Comfort, Hospice of Davidson County aims to specifically support grieving youths. Taking place in summer over the course of three different days, education and support groups for grief are facilitated by professionals who cultivate a healthy, supportive and nurturing environment. Bereavement counselor Emily Sullivan, a lead facilitator for the camp, is proud of the camp thus far and recognizes the need for this type of programming in Davidson County.

Through age-appropriate games, education, discussions, as well as arts and crafts, Camp Comfort’s main goal is to provide the participant with new coping skills and fun memories, but also with the important knowledge that they are not alone.  Although just established, Camp Comfort has already had a positive impact on many individuals and the community as a whole within its first few days of operation. With Camp Comfort offering scholarships for registration fees and being readily accessible, the camp serves as an amazing opportunity for support for grieving youths.

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