

Column: Chris Jessup Chair of Davidson GOP

Column: Chris Jessup Chair of Davidson GOP

Like many of you, I frequently meet people who are disheartened and sometimes angry at what they see going on around them. I’m glad to listen as it is good to vent sometimes, as we all can attest. But before our conversation ends, I ask a question. It goes something like this, “What are you doing to change what you are seeing?” The question is usually followed by a long pause.

Being angry doesn't get anything done. Screaming at a television or computer screen doesn’t help. Sitting at home talking about what needs to happen doesn’t cause it to happen, either. Getting involved in your local Republican Party absolutely makes a positive difference in your community, state, and nation!

Why not turn the anger into action? When like minded Republicans get together and work towards a goal, great things happen. If you are a registered Republican in Davidson County, you are needed!

There are an abundance of ways that you can be involved. We are always looking for poll workers, poll observers, people to help at the headquarters, and many others. There is a place for you!

All politics is local, as the saying goes. Although what you may think you are doing in Davidson County isn’t making a difference, it truly does!

Christopher Jessup


Davidson County Republican Party

Davidson County Republican Party Headquarters, located at 115 Young Drive in Lexington, is open each

Thursday from 2-6pm.

1st Thursday of the month- Monthly meetings with guest speakers are held at 7pm at Oceanview

Seafood, 1803 Cotton Grove Road, Lexington (6pm for optional dinner). All registered Republicans are welcome!

2nd Thursday of the month- Book Club meeting at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

3rd Thursday of the month- Movie Night at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

4th Thursday of the month- Ice Cream Social at 6pm at the HQ. Free event.

* Please check Facebook and website ( for updates. No meetings held in July.

Have questions? Please contact Chairman Christopher Jessup at

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