

Davidson County schools to remain masked

Davidson County schools to remain masked

On Monday, November 1, the Davidson County Schools (DCS) Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting at Davis-Townsend Elementary School.

Per the agenda, topics of discussion would address the superintendent’s updates pertaining to COVID-19 data and school calendar dates of significance. Concerns were raised regarding human resources, curriculum, instructional, policy for student promotion and accountability and operational needs. Also, the mandated mask decision was to be revisited.

Chairman Alan Beck opened the meeting and everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Afterwards, he reminded attendees what would and would not be tolerated when addressing the board before opening the floor for public comments.

A total of eight attendees addressed the board with their passionate concerns for their allotted three minutes. Concerns were expressed related to the mask policy, vaccinations, laws, constitutional rights, COVID-19 facts and opinions, employee bonuses given and the content being taught in the school system.

Rev. Ron Baity raised his concerns of the content approved, allowed and practiced in Davidson County Schools. “Who would have ever believed that in our school system here, that there are library books showing raw sex acts taking place in front of innocent eyes? Library books introducing transgender relationships, showing two fifth grade girls kissing in a bed after one thinks she is a boy. The Bible has no place in the public school system, but it’s okay to pump this ungodly porn into the classroom?”

Mary Cameron Welborn, second grade teacher at Tyro Elementary and vice president of DCAE, commented, “On behalf of all Davidson County school employees, we would like to begin by thanking the DC school board for the generous bonus given to all staff members. We greatly appreciate the thought, time and effort placed in making such a decision. We would like to ask the school board to continue to mandate masks for all staff and students for the next month.”

Concerned parent Paul S. emotionally shared, “One of the FDA panelists said, ‘We’re never going to learn how safe this shot is unless we start giving it.’ Are you kidding me? Fifty thousand four hundred kids died last year. That was not COVID deaths. That was deaths from car accidents, drownings, the flu. So, what's the stance of the board going to be about those deaths? Are you going to prevent children from driving, from going to the pool? We have to wake up, because the next thing that’s going to be mandated by the state or the federal government down to here, are going to be shots into our kids’ arms.”

Other public speakers included Whitney McCoy, Curtis and Amanda Rickard, Tripp Kester, Jason Club and Polly Leonard.

Superintendent Dr. Emily Lipe’s update focused on the COVID-19 data and the fact that numbers continue to decrease as far as students and staff identified as positive or required to quarantine. “The NC Department of Health and Human Services recommends that schools continue to implement a universal face covering requirement if they are located in a county with a high or substantial community transmission level. As of last week’s report, Davidson County is a county with a high community transmission level.” Lipe explained that the face covering requirement is different for indoor activities versus outdoor ones. Lipe reiterated her recommendation to the board as continuing to continue requiring masks for all indoor activities until the county transmission rate decreases. 

Board member Kristie Bonnett proffered, “I just want to make a point, because we’ve had a lot of addresses and concerns of vaccinations. I understand from a parental standpoint, I don’t believe that I personally, or anyone on this board, if I can speak collectively, would ever be in favor of mandated vaccines on children, when that is a parental choice.” 

Board member Christy Jones agreed. “I feel the same way. I have a child in the school system and I would never say a nurse could give a shot to my child without my permission. I would not agree to any nurse doing that on school property. Absolutely not” 

Chairman Beck added, “It’s not our right to do it anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

Bonnett made the motion to keep masks mandated until next month’s board meeting. “But, I’m hoping we can change at that time.” With a 5-0 unanimous vote, no change or amendment to the DCS mask mandate was made. The issue will be revisited at next month's meeting. 

The next DCS board meeting is scheduled for December 6, at 6:30 p.m.

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