

Davidson Local's Year in Review

Davidson Local's Year in Review

Can you believe 2022 is 12 days away??!!

I know. I know. Give yourself a minute to collect your thoughts.

Is it just me or does it seem like 2021 went by fast and slow all at the same time? It can’t just be me, right? While we’re figuring that out, I’ll tell you what doesn’t happen slowly is news! There’s never a shortage of it.

When we launched Davidson Local on April 5, we did so in hopes of filling in a void for our community. As veterans of the “Joe Sink School of Journalism", we believe in being a media outlet that is thorough, reputable, fair, advanced, timely, innovative, proactive, unbiased, and trustworthy.

Our desire to provide you daily with FREE, hyperlocal news has always been at the forefront of everything we publish. If it ain’t Davidson County centered, you won’t find it on Davidson Local. All Davidson County, All the Time. Maybe that’s a new motto. Hmmm.

As a result of our focus, we’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers cry. We’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers smile. We’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers upset. We’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers laugh. We’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers send emails sharing their opinion. We’ve been able to bring you stories that have made some readers revisit their stance on certain topics. We’ve even had readers contact us to let us know they wouldn’t have been informed about certain situations if it weren’t for Davidson Local.

That’s why we do what we do. We believe in sharing information, building up our community and cultivating a space where a plethora of ideas can live, breathe and co-exist.

Over the past eight months, we've graduated from constantly being on the lookout for events and updates to having a running list of happenings in the community worthy of coverage. We’ve covered government meetings, parades, political events, sporting events, community giveaways, press conferences, veterans, the challenges of life and cats. We’ve interviewed Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, the State Superintendent of North Carolina Catherine Truitt, State Senator Steve Jarvis, Miss American 2019 Nia Franklin, local mayors, commissioners, councilors and heroes.

We even won our first award!

Whether you are new to Davidson Local or have been with us since the beginning, we appreciate you. We’re grateful for your support of local news. To our advertisers and sponsors of our events this year: THANK YOU! You help to ensure this news machine keeps moving forward.

As we enter the last two weeks of the year, we hope you’ve found Davidson Local to be a resource you can count on. As we grow, we want to add additional staffers including writers and photographers. If interested, contact us at If you would like to advertise with us, we can be reached at If you haven’t subscribed, sign up for free at You’ll receive an email every morning at 7a.m. with all the latest news from us.

Beginning this week, we will be presenting our category wrap ups. We’re going to compile lists of certain topics and provide links to the various articles. If there are stories you may have missed or want to read again, this will provide you with the perfect opportunity to do so. Be on the lookout for the stories with Year in Review in the title and the Davidson Local logo as the header photo. Hashtag #DLYearInReview. Happy reading!

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Kassaundra & Antionette

A Photo Gallery: Holiday Englandwood

A Photo Gallery: Holiday Englandwood

The Scoop: With Santa Claus

The Scoop: With Santa Claus