

Employer strategies deemed to meet hiring needs

Employer strategies deemed to meet hiring needs

The 2022 MegaBoom Job Explosion and tight labor markets require employers to become more creative to recruit, develop and retain qualified talent to meet their hiring needs. 

To help area companies confront the record hiring shortages of only three percent unemployment levels in the Triad area with an explosion of pending new employers added to the mix, following are creative workforce development strategies for companies to implement in the coming years ahead to remain competitive in the difficult job market. 

Despite fears of the recession across the country, the state’s mega site manufacturing strategy has poised North Carolina to grow for years to come, so local employers must implement nontraditional tactics and techniques to thrive in the current labor market. 

Recruitment Strategies: There is a popular business motto: “That you cannot grow your company, if you are only working in your company.”

Meaning companies need to be more engaged with their communities to develop relationships to help them uncover talent and customers. So it is important to conduct community outreach to uncover talent both for the present and in the future. 

Employers need to uncover the new in-migrant workers arriving in North Carolina. Over 130,000 new residents moved to North Carolina last year from other US states. It’s crucial that local companies publicize and build strategic community relationships in order to reap the benefits of this new workforce pool of talent coming to North Carolina. 

Very important for companies to send staff to chamber meetings to meet area businesses/customers, to area visitor centers and put out fliers for incoming residents, to meet with area church leaders and ask pastors to help them with recruitment, in addition to getting into middle and high school classrooms to cultivate future talent to stay and work for them in the coming years. 

Rather easy to complain about the school systems, but for those employers who get involved and engage their schools, they will be able to recruit and cultivate talent they need for years to come. Perhaps employers can meet and hire some of the students’ parents as well. Most importantly, guide area students so they know what skills and attributes are needed to succeed at your company.  

Invite educators, pastors and parents for special tours so that teachers, pastors and parents will advocate and support students' decisions to work for local employers.

Training Strategies:

“What if we train them and they leave?”
“What if you don’t train them and they stay?”

Expand apprenticeship programs to deepen the skills of future talent by setting a rigorous curriculum and partnership with area high schools and community colleges. 

What you glorify is what you get! 

Create fun challenges for students to compete for scholarships and job opportunities while in school. Host skills rodeos and challenge students to compete in design build competitions, fix machines, troubleshoot problems, host hackathons so students create innovative solutions to current challenges, to assemble kits and add electronics and robotics skills competitions too. 

Post podcasts of interviews with fledgling workers on various social media so youth can see how others are succeeding and prospering in advanced manufacturing jobs. Highlight positive attributes and behaviors that potential employees need to have to succeed at your company so you’re growing your workforce culture. 

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