

Employers Give Work A Chance by hiring new talent

Employers Give Work A Chance by hiring new talent

For companies who need more skilled techs and talented workers, join us August 24th from 4pm-7pm at Bull City Ciderworks in Lexington for the GIVE WORK A CHANCE JOB FAIR. You can also be included in the special edition of the GIVE WORK A CHANCE MAGAZINE. 

We are striving for approximately 400 attendees from around the Triad to join us for the fair. With the addition of the GIVE WORK A CHANCE Magazine, employers will receive exposure for several months. We plan to distribute copies of the magazines at future sporting events, churches, community colleges and other community outlets across the Triad.

Lexington as well as North Carolina is experiencing a manufacturing renaissance and needs thousands of employees to fill the new openings. Existing companies are experiencing vacuum jobs, as some of their staff will jump ship to take the new opportunities. 

New companies are going to hire the most qualified workers - the workers that already do the tasks such as maintenance and machining. Companies need to prepare or risk being destabilized by the new options available.

Our youth need to calibrate their aspirations to the real needs of our area employers and not just consider the fantasy options they see in entertainment, sports or on social media. 

Employers who want to join us, you can contact me at (336) 303-8660 or email at to discuss the process of securing a table and being featured in the magazine. 

Davidson Local wants to ensure this is not a normal job fair. We want candidates to walk away with numerous potential interviews and perhaps job offers. Attendees can get a resume produced, meet various employers, both locally and throughout the region, and be able to secure livable, wage opportunities. 

We’re also going to have a festive time. We’ll have a skills challenge for candidates who want to compete for gas cards by winning the virtual welding competitions. 

Pigs can’t fly but in Lexington on August 24th, everyone will be able to see BBQ can be dropped from the sky. Yes, we are going to be dropping BBQ sandwiches from the sky via a drone. 

Plan on joining us for a celebration before Labor Day. With your assistance, we can help more companies fill their open positions and more candidates secure higher income streams to battle record inflationary costs. 

Please spread the word to area employers and candidates to come join us August 24th at Bull City Ciderworks located at 599 S. Railroad Street, Lexington, NC from 4pm-7pm for candidates. Employers need to arrive by 3pm to set up their table.

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City of Lexington to hold public hearing on proposed budget