Faith and Fellowship: Please Be Patient with Me
Please be patient with me, God is not through with me yet.
Learning patience can sometimes be very difficult. God wants to produce patience in us to slow us down so he may teach us to trust him. Sometimes, we as believers find ourselves busy and rushing throughout our daily lives, showing no quality of virtue of patience that’s presented as either forbearance or endurance. The word of God speaks to us in Romans 15:5. It states, “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Jesus Christ.
Patience is the ability to stay calm while you’re waiting for an outcome that you need or want. There are times, in the lives of believers, that we may find ourselves becoming anxious while we’re waiting. Philippians 4:16 instructs us to not be anxious about anything. Please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet, When God is through with me, I should come forth as pure gold.
Let us reflect on Ecclesiastes 7:8 - the end of something is better than the beginning, Patience is better than pride. There may be days when people do not nor cannot understand your spirit of waiting. We as believers can simply state “I waited patiently on the Lord, he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Let us spend time with our Lord and Savior and reflect on Proverbs 15:18 that teaches us hot tempers causes arguments, but patience brings forth peace.
This week as we focus and mediate on patience let us remember, “You also must be patient keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lord’s coming is near.”
May God So Richly Bless!