

Faith and Fellowship: God Will Provide

Faith and Fellowship: God Will Provide

God promises to provide for us in our time of need. We, as believers, can rest assured that our God is a provider. Philippians 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus.”

There are times we may find ourselves in a season of struggle, we may even question ourselves, “Do I have enough money to pay my bills, debts, groceries ? Do I have enough money for my children, vehicle home?” The list could go on and on, but God!!!

Our God is a great provider, he will take all our worries and stress and turn it into peace for our souls. God will provide for you, if only you trust him. Bring all your concerns to God and leave everything in God’s hand. A wise person once stated “If you pray why worry, and if you worry, why pray?”

Jesus teaches us in Luke 12:22-24, “ Then turning to his disciples, Jesus said, That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing. Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are more valuable to him than any birds!”

If our God provided in 2021 than surely we must know he will provide in 2022. We must know if he did it before he will do it again! As we press our way through the New Year let us be mindful to know that the enemy, our adversary, will try to whisper in our ear and say that God will not provide. But glory be to God, we know the enemy is the father of lies and we believe the report of the Lord.

May we meditate and spend time with God this week. And know God doesn’t operate based on how much money we may or may not have, our God operates on our faith. Believe in God, trust in God and he will take care of you. God will supply all of your needs and our God is so awesome many times he will supply your wants.

Genesis 22:14

Thank you God for providing for us!!!

May God so richly bless!

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