Faith and Fellowship: Let Us Break Bread Together
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink of this cup, You proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” - 1 Corinthians 11:26. The Bible uses “breaking bread“ in various forms. Acts 2:42-46 speaks of the early church breaking bread as a part of their fellowship; And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Holy Communion also known as the Lord’s supper is taken in remembrance of what our Savior Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. As believers, when we break bread together, we understand that the bread represents Jesus body that was scourged and broken before and during the crucifixion, as well as the cup that represents his shed blood.
It was at the cross that God placed all of our sickness and diseases, and put them on Jesus’ originally perfect and healthy body. The word of God teaches us, “By his stripes we are healed” - Isaiah 53:5. We can find healing in the bread, when we partake in Holy Communion in remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross. The Apostle Paul tells us that the blood of Jesus brings us forgiveness of our sins. Jesus teaches us that the cup is “the new covenant between God and his people.”
Jesus blood was poured out as a sacrifice for you and me. As we break bread together let us always remember, Holy Communion is not a ritual to be observed, but a blessing to be received.
As we partake in the breaking of bread let us meditate on the words of the song: Let us break bread together on our knees, when I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.
Lord Jesus we bow before you on humble submission, to ask you to please examine our hearts today, show us anything that is not pleasing to you. The price you paid has covered me, and my desire is to live for you. As we break bread together we thank you.
Thank you for the victory!
May God so richly bless!