

Faith and Fellowship: Obedience is better than sacrifice

Faith and Fellowship: Obedience is better than sacrifice

Obedience is better than sacrifice comes fromb1 Corinthians 15, We do not sacrifice animals these days. Because our ultimate sacrifice gave his life on the cross. Someone may ask the question, Have you ever gone through the motions of being a Christian just out of habit ? Maybe your heart wasn’t fully into it, Just because you may have gone to church just because this may seem to be the right thing to do as a Christian, to me this is sacrifice. Old Testament sacrifice were outward service.

A true relationship with our Lord and Savior, comes through obedience. As an obedient Christian we do not focus on the outward sacrifice, But as Christians we will focus on God. And he will allow him to lead and guide us into obedience.

True obedience of God begins with Love. Our sacrifices as believers comes from the deep Love for Christ, we will embrace the Love Christ gives us, as we surrender true obedience to him.
Sacrifices to God may leave you feeling empty inside. Matthew 22: 37-39, teaches us, “ You shall Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, And with all your mind, this is the first and great commandment, And the second is like it, You shall Love your neighbor as yourself”. On the these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets.

If you Love me you will keep my commandments John 14:15, Obedience is better than sacrifice, I encourage the believers to grow in your Love for the Lord. Sacrifice can never be a substitute for obedience. The word of God teaches us in 1 Samuel 15, we find the story of Saul, choosing sacrifice over obedience. Even though it may look like Saul did something noble to honor God, he still disobeyed him, Any sacrifice he could offer God would not be A sufficient substitute for obedience. Samuel explains this in 1 Samuel 15:22,

Sacrifice comes from obligation, but the root of obedience is Love. God doesn’t want a sacrifice offered out of obligation, He wants us to obey out of Love for him. And his eternal life through Jesus.
We obey because of what he has already done for us, we obey because we trust him, knowing that his ways are the best way. We make sacrifices about ourselves, but obedience is about God.

As we meditate on the word of God, this week let us remember. Obedience is the fruit of faith. The blessings of obedience is not for fame or fortune. The blessings of obedience is a deep relationship with the master. It’s a Blessing to walk with him everyday. Obedience is better than sacrifice everyday!

May God so richly bless!!!

Editor’s Note: Faith & Fellowship author Toni Royal McCullough writer will preach her initial sermon on Sunday, August 28th at Files Chapel Baptist Church 900 Dixie St, Lexington, NC 27292 at 3 p.m.

The public is invited to attend.

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