

Farewell column: Intern Erica Zheng shares insights

Farewell column: Intern Erica Zheng shares insights

{Left to Right Internship coordinator Joyce Hargrave and Erica Zheng at the first Black Butterfly Movie Series. Photo Credit: Antionette Kerr/Davidson Local}

My time as a Davidson Local intern has quickly flown by and is coming to an end.

I have learned a lot and improved my communication skills. I learned how to conduct an interview and gather the appropriate and necessary pieces of information a story should include.

This past month, I have assisted with events, including the Juneteenth Freedom Celebration and the showing of The Wiz. Aside from these, I have written three stories: Renovation of Davidson Water, Preview of 2022 2CFAR and Miss Lexington's Outstanding Teen. 

Throughout the internship, I became much more involved in my community. I have met numerous people and learned a lot from them. I was able to get an understanding of their lives and their passions. From meeting leaders across Lexington to Miss Lexington’s Outstanding Teen to business owners, each had offered something different and insightful.

As mentioned in my introduction story, I am not the fondest of writing. As I worked through each story, some hardships came along. My biggest takeaway was that the most challenging part is to start the story. Once the first sentence is down, there is no going back. There were times I noticed myself enjoying the process of writing a story. With the proper information and attitude, I successfully wrote articles for my community.

What I enjoyed most was the social aspect of the internship. This opportunity has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there. Just as I wished in the beginning, I learned to see things from a journalistic perspective, which afforded me a broader view. 

None of this would have been possible if it was not for my supervisor, Antionette Kerr. She played an important role in my growth and experience during my time at Davidson Local. She provided me with constant feedback, guidance and support throughout the whole way.

This internship was an amazing opportunity. I am happy I chose to take this chance to try something new and gain valuable knowledge. I hope I have given Davidson Local something just like they did in my journey to becoming the best version of myself.

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