

Fifth confirmed rabies case in Davidson County

Fifth confirmed rabies case in Davidson County

Contact: Janna Walker

This week the Davidson County Health Department received lab results confirming the 5th positive  rabies case identified in the county this year. According to reports given to the health department, a goat began showing unusual and aggressive behavior. The owner of the goat recognized these warning  signs and subsequently had the animal euthanized. It is assumed that the goat contracted rabies from  the bite of a wild animal, such as a skunk. The infected goat was in a pasture with other goats and the  Department of Agriculture is working with the owner to determine appropriate quarantine orders. The  owner has also started postexposure prophylaxis treatment as a result of handling the animal. This  incident occurred in Thomasville.  

Wildlife, including skunks, foxes, and racoons, are most active this time of year. Never touch a dead  wild animal with your bare hands. Rabies in 99.9% fatal in humans without PEP. If you have questions  regarding your own exposure to any animal, please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your  situation. If you see stray animals or wildlife in your neighborhood, contact Animal Control at 336- 242-0131. 

North Carolina law requires that all domestic dogs, cats, and ferrets must be vaccinated against rabies  by 4 months of age and kept current. If your pet comes in contact with a wild animal contact your  veterinarian immediately, as a rabies booster may be needed.  

The Davidson County Health Department will sponsor three rabies clinics this year. The first event will  be May 26, 2022 at South Davidson High School from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. $9 per vaccine. Animals must  be at least 3 months of age to receive the rabies vaccination.  

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Quinto caso confirmado de rabia en el condado de Davidson

Quinto caso confirmado de rabia en el condado de Davidson