

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: October 1, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: October 1, 2021

Dear Friends,

The update this week is Senator Berger appointed me to two boards this month. The Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force as well as the B-3 Interagency Public School Forum.

Additionally, I was able to meet with "Driving on Sunshine" a southern non-profit whose goal is to increase clean energy, especially in the electric car department. It was so fun to be able to test drive a Tesla with some other legislators!

The House, Senate and Governor have come to an agreement on major energy legislation. Senate Leader Phil Berger said: "North Carolina is a growing state, attracting businesses and families from all over. That growth depends on a stable supply of reliable and affordable energy. After months of policy negotiations, we reached an agreement that will signal to businesses and families here now or considering a move here that North Carolina’s leaders are committed to pro-growth energy policies."

Senate Bill 300, a bill that would limit the power of the Attorney General's Office, was vetoed by the Governor's office this week. The bill would have been crucial for keeping under the table negotiations out of future elections.

This week, in district, I had the pleasure of visiting Sheets Memorial Christian School. It was an honor to get to speak to our young people about the legislative process and to hear from them as well.

I also had a great time meeting with Department of Insurance Commissioner Causey and some of our districts fire chiefs. Davidson, Davie, and Rowan County received $463,000 for our great firefighters from NCDOI!

As always Thank You to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call, or email our office. I will never stop fighting for you.

Senator Steve Jarvis
NC District 29

*This month, Senate President Pro Tempore, Senator Berger asked Senator Jarvis to serve on The Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Board, as well as as the B-3 Interagency Public School Forum of North Carolina. Jarvis is very excited to begin working in both of these capacities and to increase his service in the great State of North Carolina!*

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