

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: October 8, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: October 8, 2021

Dear Friends,

It was a busy week in the NC Senate. Gov. Cooper has presented the House and Senate with a counter-offer and budget negotiations continue.

The redistricting process has started and the districts drawn in the coming weeks could be used until 2030. Districts are being drawn in committee for NC House, NC Senate, and NC Congressional Districts.

This week we also voted on S191 the "No Patient Left Behind" bill. This bill is a great piece of legislation and I am happy to have supported it.

No patient in NC should be forced to remain alone, separated from family while undergoing major medical treatment, no patient should die alone, nor should their surviving family members be forced to live with the knowledge that they did so. I am thankful for the passage of this bill and ensuring our state’s most vulnerable are protected.

The NC Senate has also passed a bipartisan agreement on the future of our state's energy production. S951 ensures the state will use only the least-cost energy generation options for decades to come.

This week I had the opportunity to tour students visiting from East Rowan High School in Sen. Carl Ford's district. Public School Teacher Fred Whaples and his class visited several members in the NC General Assembly. I also had the privilege of bringing their group on the Senate floor. Thank you Mr. Whaples for your commitment to North Carolinas GREAT public schools.

I had the opportunity to attend the Community Stakeholders Breakfast Meeting in Davidson County. We were joined by leaders from across Davidson County including Superintendent Lipe, Sheriff Richie Simmons, several county commissioners, the Thomasville Chief of Police, and several other community leaders at the DDCC Conference Center to discuss the Sandhills Center's Mental Health Services.

Please join me in celebrating October as Down Syndrome Awareness month. The Down Syndrome community is one full of joy and kindness and we are so blessed to have them in our lives.

I had the opportunity to meet with Michael Horn, the Davidson County Register of Deeds. Thank you for your commitment to our community. It was great meeting with you.

We are all saddened this week by the loss of one of our colleagues, Rep. Dana Bumgardner. Rep. Bumgardner will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

As always Thank You to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call, or email our office. I will never stop fighting for you.

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 29

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