

Give Work a Chance: Take This Job and Love It

Give Work a Chance: Take This Job and Love It

Rebuilding an industrial workforce in a post-industrial era will require a cultural movement and major shift in area values. To help facilitate this social transition, a new anthem was written.

 The need for cultural changes requires a MegaBoom Job Anthem! 

 Why is a song so important? Because cultural changes often happen via a group movement and attitude changes shared via music. We must appeal to more than the minds of the community but to the hearts. 

 Face it, books, articles are often ignored but music is always being played and if several different voices and stations pick up this message, the community will respond and hearts and work ethics will flourish. At least that is the hope of myself who wants to see everyone possible  benefit from the mega boom job explosion underway. 

 Employers currently struggle to find mature workers who will honor their commitments, show up to work, communicate effectively and have the work ethic required for major industries to compete in the global competitive, technical career fields. Ghosting (not showing up) has become a common way of quitting and companies can't rely on their workers to honor their commitments. Schools need to adjust their attitudes towards work and help students better appreciate and love their jobs so here is a special song written to get more to Take This Job and LOVE IT! 

 Take This Job and Love It!
Soon boomers won't be working here anymore!
If you put your heart in it, your job will become more than just a chore
We need new workers to grow up and show up
So take this job and love it
If you put pride in your work, your job will become something you will covet
Want to get out of your financial mess? 
Just clean up your act and go pass a drug test! 
So do more than just ghost, get in there and make it the most!
Passion is what you put in, not what you get out!
Love your job, do all you can and you will succeed without a doubt!
Take this Job and Love it!

These lyrics are being sent to area musical artists so they will add their voices to this important message to help more rise up to the opportunities that are quickly coming our way. Several radio stations will be airing these songs on a regular basis. However, we need much more to happen to prepare for the growth underway. 

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