Lexington City Schools Career and Technical Fair — DavidsonLocal.com



Lexington City Schools Career and Technical Fair

Lexington City Schools Career and Technical Fair

For Immediate Release 

Lexington City Schools (LCS) takes charge in ensuring students are afforded a smooth transition from graduating high school to entering the workforce. 

Where preparation meets opportunity! LCS administrators, educators and personnel are committed to producing students destined to be leaders, collaborators, problem solvers, critical and innovative thinkers, and global citizens.

On May 16, 2023, LCS is proud to announce its first Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Fair, at Davidson Davie Community College Rittling Center, for graduating seniors and parents/community members. 

Two separate sessions will be held:

  • Graduating Seniors; 10:00 am - 11:30 am 

  • Parents/Community Members; 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 

There will be an abundance of local businesses participating who are ready to hire. Please bring a resume and dress professionally. If you have any questions or concerns please email, Mr. Nathan Tongel, Career Development Coordinator: ntongel@lexcs.org or Nicole S. Piggott, CTE Director: npiggott@lexcs.org  

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