Keep your eyes on the clouds
Clouds are mysterious, cloud's sometimes leave us in awe and amazement. As we keep our eyes on the clouds, we can catch the vision of the glory of God.
The Heavens declare the glory of God. Let us remain focused continually keeping our eyes on the clouds.
Have you ever imagined seeing the face of God in the clouds? Nahum 1:3 teaches us, “That clouds are the dust of his feet.” Trust God through the clouds.
Clouds make it visible that there is something in life sustaining and ever present. Seeing God in the clouds is reassuring.
Clouds speak to us in many different ways. Keep your eyes on the clouds and it will always remind us of God's creation, God made clouds for a purpose.
Clouds are the vessels that God fills to send us rain. Genesis 9:13-15 says,”Each time we look at the rainbow arched across the clouds, we can trust that God keeps his promises.”
Keep your eyes on the clouds and look to God for guidance. The word of God tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach and guide us. As we reflect on the Israelites, remembering that they were to follow the clouds, trusting God for continued protection and guidance.
Most importantly, as we keep our eyes on the clouds, let us always remember the cloud speaks of Jesus' return.
The scripture teaches us that Jesus is coming in the clouds, Jesus may come today or tomorrow. Therefore let us keep our eyes on the clouds so that we may be prepared for his coming. Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord.
Keep your eyes on the clouds remember these words, someone once said,
“Fourth, until the darkness passes, nothing can I hear or see, save the hand outstretched to guide me and the voice to call to me will bring the blind by the pathways, that they not know, nor have known; ‘tis a way untried untrodden, but they shall not walk along.”
As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember, what great things clouds are to us! When clouds roll over our heads we must know that God’s eternal shoulders can bear them. Our troubles are nothing that God cannot handle.
Praying always to keep your eyes on the clouds.
May God So Richly Bless!
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