

DavidsonWorks is looking for job seekers

DavidsonWorks is looking for job seekers

Pam Walton, director of DavidsonWorks (DW) Workforce Development Board, has a message for Davidson County residents that are seeking employment: there are jobs available. A plethora of them. With the influx of open positions, the team at DW is actively spreading the word to potential employees. DW is integrated into a network of statewide centers that serve as entry points for NCWorks.

“The main goal of NCWorks is to provide citizens opportunities to connect to employers and employment,” said Walton. “At any NCWorks Career Center, jobseekers can access public-use computers in order to search for jobs, complete online applications for employment, work on their resume, research career opportunities, find out about training assistance, be referred to community partners for assistance, etc.”

Davidson County is home to two centers. In Lexington, it’s located at 220 E. 1st Ave., Extension (corner of E. 1st Ave. and Church St.). The Thomasville center is housed in the old Colonial School building at 211 W. Colonial Dr. Both are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Appointments aren’t required.

Staff is available at the locations to assist or answer any questions. They also offer workshops for anyone needing help with their interviewing skills, updating their resumes and using the internet for job searches. The workshop offerings vary depending on customer demand.

More intensive assistance is also available. This includes training, re-training or on-the-job training internship opportunities. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), NCWorks has limited funds available to assist with tuition, books and other related training costs. These opportunities are based on family size and income. The customer must also be a Davidson County resident or been laid off from a Davison County employer to qualify.

Information about WIOA assistance is provided twice a week through virtual sessions. They’re held Tuesdays at 2 p.m. and Thursdays at 9 a.m. To register, call one of the DW centers: Lexington (336)242-2065 or Thomasville (336)474-2655. Those without internet access may attend in person.

Additionally, DW offers referrals to other community partners including the Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Urban League Senior Employment Program, and Davidson-Davie Community College. Walton said all these entities work together in the NCWorks system to prepare our customers for employment.

Currently, there are a wide variety of jobs available. They range from entry-level to higher skilled manufacturing, retail, service and truck driving as well as other positions. Citizens can access a record of available jobs utilizing multiple avenues. Register with the NCWorks system at, visit one of the local career centers or check DW’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat or Twitter accounts. All hiring events are posted and updated on the social media platforms. In addition to helping job seekers, DW helps employers.

“We can help with recruitment, either virtually or in person, provide information about OJT or internship opportunities,” confirmed Walton. “Our main mission is to connect job seekers to employers!”

To learn more about DW, visit

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