

Lexington Police Department granted funds for Domestic Violence Advocate

Lexington Police Department granted funds for Domestic Violence Advocate

Project Ordinance approved for Domestic Violence Advocation

2022 Grant Project - Ordinance No. 23-26

Presented to the Lexington City Council: Robby Rummage, Chief of Police


The Lexington Police Department implemented an enhanced domestic violence program in July 2014. Since that time, there have been positive results in the attention given to domestic violence investigations and tracking of domestic violence offenders through the court process.

In 2017, the Lexington Police Department identified the need for a dedicated victim advocate to provide enhanced follow-up with domestic violence victims and was awarded a grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission for funds from the Violence Against Women funding priority. An application was completed and submitted to the N.C. Governor’s Crime

Commission for funds from the Violence Against Women funding priority.

The Police Department identified the continued need for a domestic violence advocate and applied for a continuation of the N.C. Governor’s Crime Commission grant in 2022. The Police Department was notified of the grant award on November 29, 2022, in the amount of $124,028.

This grant requires a match of $39,402 which will be covered with in-kind expenses in the amount of $35,132 plus a cash match of $4,270. This leaves the Federal share of the award totaling $84,626.

Adoption of Ordinance No. 23-26 will establish a grant project ordinance for the Lexington Police Victim Advocate 2022 Grant Project, providing the budgetary authority to accept and expend the grant award of $124,028 to fund an additional year for the civilian victim advocate for the Lexington Police Department to assist with domestic violence cases.

Related Ordinance

- Ordinance No. 23-25 - Amendment to the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023 Related to Matching Funds for Lexington Police Victim Advocate 2022 Grant



Adopt Ordinance No. 23-26 to establish a grant project ordinance for the Lexington Police

Victim Advocate 2022 Grant Project, providing the budgetary authority to accept and expend the

grant award of $124,028 to fund an additional year for the civilian victim advocate for the

Lexington Police Department to assist with domestic violence cases.

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