Local school system offers self-care training
Lexington City Schools [LCS] and The Social and Emotional Learning Group are partnering to a offer an online Self-Care training for Parents and Caregivers on Thursday, April 29. Participants have the option to attend one of the two meetings scheduled from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. or 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The session will focus on self-care and why it’s important for parents and caregivers. There is no sign-up required or fee to participate. Zoom information is below.
ID & Passcode
Meeting ID: 924 8579 0524
Passcode: 782257
https://zoom.us/j/92485790524?pwd=MGdtNjNXcjZre FpkU0ZNU0lOMW5kdz09
For additional information, contact a guidance counselor at one of the LCS schools.