

Local youth spread positivity through inspirational rock painting event

Local youth spread positivity through inspirational rock painting event

{Contributed Photos}

Davidson County was filled with creativity and encouragement today as Arts Davidson County and Anything For Our Youth Group, Inc. hosted an uplifting rock painting event at the Red Shield Club (formerly the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club) in Thomasville, NC. Children of all ages gathered to design and paint inspirational rocks, bringing joy and positivity to their community through the power of art.

The event was a celebration of artistic expression and community engagement, offering young participants an opportunity to unleash their creativity while spreading encouraging messages. The colorful and heartfelt designs on the rocks will serve as tokens of inspiration, reminding others of the beauty and kindness within our community.

Arts Davidson County expressed appreciation for the artists and volunteers—Al Jones, Barry Hollingsworth, and Cara—who contributed their time and talent to the event. Their guidance and enthusiasm provided children with an opportunity to develop their artistic skills and create meaningful works of art.

The organization also expressed a special acknowledgment to Tina Royal and Anything For Our Youth for their unwavering commitment to supporting and empowering the younger generation.

Events like these highlight the importance of community-driven initiatives that inspire and uplift youth. By combining art and positivity, the children at the Red Shield Club left a lasting impact, proving that even the smallest act of creativity can brighten someone’s day.

Stay tuned for more inspiring events from Arts Davidson County and Anything For Our Youth Group, Inc. as they continue to bring art, joy, and encouragement to our community!

#ArtsDavidsonCounty #AnythingForOurYouth #RedShieldClub #CommunityArt #InspirationThroughArt

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